The Sentinel-Record

HSV Rotary welcomes RYLA leaders


HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE — The Rotary Club of Hot Springs Village recently welcomed four youths who were sponsored by the club to attend the annual Rotary Youth Leadership Academy.

RYLA is a leadership developmen­t program directed by Rotary Internatio­nal to promote leadership skills in young people. Some topics at the three-day camp included communicat­ion skills, conflict management, ethics, leadership fundamenta­ls and problem solving, along with community and global citizenshi­p.

This year, RYLA was coordinate­d by Rotarians Lee Ann Branch and Christine Chang. Based on recommenda­tions from their schools, four outstandin­g students were sponsored by HSV Rotary at the

4-H Center in Ferndale. They were junior Emiley Burke from Fountain Lake; sophomore Emily Crumpton from Jessievill­e, and sophomore Destini Nichols and junior Josh Walpole from Mountain Pine.

Burke is a member of the National Honor Society and recently attended the Governor’s

4.0 Luncheon in Little Rock. Crumpton is a member of the Beta Club, A/B honor roll, and All American Cheer. Nichols is a member of the All A honor roll and attended the Governor’s 4.0 Luncheon. Walpole is a member of the A/B honor roll, Beta Club, Gifted and Talented program, and Quizbowl team. They each gave a brief speech for the Rotarians, describing their experience at RYLA camp.

Rotary membership is open to all men and women, with guests welcome at the Hot Springs Village club, which meets in the Fireside Dining Room at Good Sam’s, 121 Cortez Road, at 7 a.m. Thursday. Visitors are encouraged to attend the informativ­e club programs and learning more about the fellowship of Rotary.

 ?? Submitted photo ?? LEADERS OF TOMORROW: Four local high school students recently attended the annual Rotary Youth Leadership Academy and then addressed the Hot Springs Village Rotary Club. From left are Emily Crumpton, Christine Chang, Emiley Burke, Josh Walpole, Lee Ann...
Submitted photo LEADERS OF TOMORROW: Four local high school students recently attended the annual Rotary Youth Leadership Academy and then addressed the Hot Springs Village Rotary Club. From left are Emily Crumpton, Christine Chang, Emiley Burke, Josh Walpole, Lee Ann...

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