The Sentinel-Record

Blaming the taxpayers


Dear editor:

I was appalled and I’m angry to have heard, on the radio, Tamra Barrett (who is running for district judge) admit to letting criminal illegals back out into the public without deportatio­n. She blamed “I.C.E.” for not coming to get them. Really? Do we blame “I.C.E.”? Do we blame the legal system? Who do you call to find out who to blame? You can’t blame the taxpaying citizens, it’s not their job, they are at work and paying taxes.

They are paying to be safe and protected from these elements. Where can anyone go these days that you don’t have to be on high alert or at least situationa­lly aware of your surroundin­gs? People even feel this way around their own property/home, which should be their one place of safety and security. Is this what we call being safe in America? What has changed? I know, do you? And, do you think the people whose job it is to protect us have given this a moment of considerat­ion or just do what they’re told.

We elect (hire) these people to ensure a safe environmen­t for their constituen­ts, so we and our family can be safe, but these elected and paid people don’t seem to get the job done. Why?

We have a swamp of people, who have the position and are getting paid, who keep using the blame game. They say call your legislator­s, and the very legislator­s that have been put in try to blame the voters … they say you need to put the right people in office. You told us you were the right person. So what’s your excuse?

One thing is, when you have only the choice of the lesser of two … you wind up with the swamp we have now and corruption follows and then the blame game follows, without the right things being done.

The taxpayers get the shaft and the criminals are laughing at us all, as a bunch of simple-minded sheep. Meanwhile, the criminals get away with murder and mayhem. What do you think … should we blame them?

Wants our law to protect the law-abiding,

B.J. Echols

Hot Springs

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