The Sentinel-Record

Answer to candidate query


Dear editor:

In response to Casey Alexander’s letter of April 17, 2018:

First, thank you for your concern for and interest in our political system. We need more people involved to make our democracy work. I share your view that as voters we must keep ourselves informed to make correct decisions.

You mention that Sen. Cotton does not have an opponent. His term is not up until

2020, so most people are focusing on the

2018 elections. The Democratic congressio­nal candidate for Arkansas District 4, this November, is Hayden Shamel.

I am very sorry that whoever you spoke to was not aware of this at your local Democratic office. Here in Hot Springs, we are very aware of her, as well as her platform and commitment to public service for every citizen. She is an educator who truly values and wants improvemen­t to public education.

She, and her family, have a history of business in the state, so she understand­s the need for good jobs. She is a mother, daughter, neighbor, etc. who knows the importance of accessible and affordable health care. Those are her key issues. However, if you take a look at her website, http://www. haydenforc­ or her Facebook page, “Hayden Shamel for Arkansas,” you will get an understand­ing of both her and the many people who do support her campaign. On these sites you will see the many communitie­s she has tirelessly traveled to in the past six months. District 4 is huge geographic­ally, so this is quite a task. Hayden will be in Mount Ida Thursday, May 3. She will be at the Montgomery County Courthouse at 4:30 p.m. I know that she would be delighted to meet with you then.

Again, you are so right in pointing out that Hayden does not have donors with deep pockets or corporate agendas, as does her opponent. What she does have are many volunteers who share her vision for our tomorrow. It is a vision of wisdom, inclusion and care. I know that she would welcome you, and all who share her concerns and views, to work together for a brighter future for not only Arkansas but also our beloved country. Carol Klingbeil Hot Springs

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