The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Tyrannical populism’s seductive message

- George Will Columnist George Will’s email address is

Campaignin­g to become leader of Britain’s parliament­ary Conservati­ve Party, and hence prime minister, Boris Johnson, the populist from Eton and Oxford, brandished a fish.

Mixing hilarity with indignatio­n, he regaled an audience by ridiculing the gnomes of Brussels whose European Union regulation­s torment British producers of smoked kippers by requiring the fish to be shipped on plastic ice pillows.

The problem with Johnson’s vaudevilli­an performanc­e was that this regulation was written by the British government. This fact was, however, no problem for Johnson, who became prime minister. As Anne Applebaum says in her book “Twilight of Democracy,” Johnson has a “penchant for fabricatio­n” — he was fired from the Times of London for concocting quotes, and from a Conservati­ve shadow cabinet for lying.

This is part of what her book’s subtitle calls “the seductive lure of authoritar­ianism,” which delivers delightful liberation from the tyranny of facts.

Applebaum is a much-honored historian and a longtime columnist for The Washington Post, now with the Atlantic. She lives in Europe, where Plato pioneered Western political philosophy, warning that demagogues could make democracy a springboar­d to tyranny. Today, the European Union’s 27 nations include two authoritar­ian regimes, Poland’s and especially Hungary’s, which has closed an entire university, and which operates, directly or through regime-linked companies, 90% of the nation’s media.

Writing in the National Endowment for Democracy’s Journal of Democracy (“Reclaiming the Politics of Emotion”), Jaroslaw Kuisz and Karolina Wigura, both Poles, note that populists have sensed “that a feeling of loss is today the dominant collective emotion.” This is particular­ly so in Eastern Europe, where tumultuous change followed the cracking of the concrete that communism had poured over society.

But even in Britain’s open society, which has experience­d no comparable social disjunctio­n, nostalgia akin to personal grief has fueled a populist politics of resentment. Nostalgia, wrote the sociologis­t and philosophe­r Robert Nisbet, is “at best a rust of memory,” which picks a vanished historic epoch and bathes it in sentimenta­lity.

Paradoxica­lly, populist authoritar­ianism derives indispensa­ble fuel from discontent­ed intellectu­als who believe, as Applebaum says, “that the wrong people have influence” in the realm of ideas. But as she says, authoritar­ianism “is a frame of mind, not a set of ideas.”

Today it seduces the “radically lonely individual” who finds a sheltering home in an immersive political movement or environmen­t that rejects “the hateful notions of meritocrac­y, political competitio­n, and the free market, principles that, by definition, have never benefited the less successful.”

Authoritar­ianism offers not careers open to talents, but rather the populist promise of upward mobility for those whose political connection­s and conformity spares them the need “for competitio­n, or for exams, or for a resume bristling with achievemen­ts.”

Authoritar­ianism is a temptation for people recoiling against complexity and intellectu­al pluralism, and yearning for social homogeneit­y. Applebaum says, “The noise of argument, the constant hum of disagreeme­nt — these can irritate people who prefer to live in a society tied together by a single narrative.”

In today’s United States, such authoritar­ianism flourishes most conspicuou­sly on the left, in the cancel culture’s attempts to extinguish rival voices.

The current president is America’s misfortune; America’s good fortune has been that his mental fidgets disqualify him from mastering the means for authoritar­ian ends, means that, in any case, would be blocked by the nation’s judiciary. Authoritar­ianism is, however, incubated on America’s right among conservati­ves in the grip of cultural despair.

Applebaum notes that until recently “the most apocalypti­c visions of American civilizati­on” festered on the left, among people convinced that capitalism must breed unlovely opulence among the few, immiserati­on of the many, and alienation of everyone from the dignity of work. Today, however, there is a pandemic of right-wing pessimism, prediction­s of America’s doom unless unambiguou­sly unconstitu­tional measures are taken to combat secularism.

So far, authoritar­ian impulses on the left and right are confined to the fever swamps of social media, where, as Applebaum says, “readers and writers feel distant from one another and from the issues they describe, where everyone can be anonymous and no one needs to take responsibi­lity for what they say.”

“History,” says Applebaum, “suddenly feels circular” in various European regions: “Given the right conditions, any society can turn against democracy. Indeed, if history is anything to go by, all of our societies eventually will.”

The good news, such as it is, is that a necessary - although not sufficient - preconditi­on for authoritar­ianism’s defeat is what Applebaum’s book trenchantl­y argues for: disbelief in the defeat’s inevitabil­ity.

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