The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

The GOP’s lost health care conscience

- EJ Dionne

If President Trump and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) had paid attention to Mitt Romney, they could have avoided the fiasco of their now dead and unmourned health-care bill. They would not now face a situation in which both of them are being blamed because they both deserve to be. And the Republican Party would not be engulfed in a festival of recriminat­ions.

I speak here of the Romney who, in 2006 as governor of Massachuse­tts, saw government’s job as coming up with business-friendly solutions to problems the market couldn’t solve on its own. Believe it or not, Republican­s once upon a time believed in more than tax cuts and deregulati­on. And so Romney worked with Democrats to pass the Massachuse­tts health-care plan which, he explained, was entirely within his party’s philosophi­cal wheelhouse: “The Republican approach is to say, ‘You know what? Everybody should have insurance. They should pay what they can afford to pay. If they need help, we will be there to help them, but no more free ride.’” Yes, requiring everyone to buy health insurance on the private market and providing adequate subsidies so lowerincom­e citizens could afford it really was a conservati­ve idea. It was an alternativ­e to liberal calls for a government-run single-payer system. The mandate was seen not as oppressive, but as an endorsemen­t of personal responsibi­lity. If you can be required to buy car insurance (because everybody is at risk of getting into an accident), why not require people to buy health insurance (because everybody is at risk of getting sick)? But because health coverage is financiall­y out of reach for so many, the fair thing is to ask them to pay what they can and have government fill in the rest.

The debacle that was Trumpcare, a.k.a. Ryancare, is a reminder that conservati­sm has gone haywire. It has abandoned trying to solve social problems, except for offering free-market bromides as if they were solutions.

There are many reasons the Republican­s’ health proposal failed (beyond the fact that it was an awful mess of a bill). They include Trump’s breathtaki­ng contempt for policymaki­ng, to the point where, as Tim Alberta recounted in Politico, the president used a barnyard epithet to deride the serious and thoughtful policy questions put to him by a group of House Republican­s. Trump once again revealed himself to be a fraud who really doesn’t give a damn about the lives of those who voted for him. As recently as January, he said in an interview with The Washington Post: “We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” But then Trump fought for a bill that would have done just what he said he wouldn’t by throwing 24 million Americans off health insurance. This is Ryan’s mess, too. He was equally unconcerne­d about the suffering his bill might create. He thought he could slap together old ideas pulled off the GOP policy shelf and not face any pushback from his colleagues. And there was the inspiring citizen mobilizati­on that forced Republican legislator­s to confront the reality that millions of Americans have benefited from a law that Ryan, Trump and company, with a stunning indifferen­ce to fact, falsely insist is a failure. Trump’s opponents learned that they can win. This will only energize them more. But the bill’s collapse was, finally, testimony to the emptiness of conservati­ve ideology. Romney himself, remember, had to play down his greatest achievemen­t because President Barack Obama had the nerve to learn from the Massachuse­tts experience: The Affordable Care Act is rooted in the principles and policies of Romneycare. To win the 2012 presidenti­al nomination, Romney could not afford to be seen as the progenitor of Obamacare because conservati­sm now has to oppose even the affirmativ­e uses of government it once endorsed. Democrats can celebrate, but they cannot be complacent. They will have to expose and fight any efforts by the Trump administra­tion to sabotage the Affordable Care Act through regulation. They should propose a package of improvemen­ts to make the ACA work better and dare Trump - and the dozen or so non-rightwing Republican­s who helped block the Trump-Ryan bill - to join them. But above all, the GOP needs an appointmen­t with its conscience. In every other wealthy democracy, conservati­ve parties think it’s heartless to leave any of their citizens without health insurance. Do Republican­s really want to be the meanest conservati­ves in the world? E.J. Dionne’s email address is Twitter: @EJDionne.

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