The Reporter (Vacaville)

Principal plans for students’ return

- Barilynn AnDErOon Marilynn Anderson is the author of “The Dollhouse Secrets,” a fantasy book found among her collection of eBooks at Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook.

Round up some various words from family and friends and fill in the blanks:

Hello, all you ________ kids who attend _________ School. Yes, this is your principal speaking. I used to see you all the time, before we had to do this _______ online learning. We had so many ________ things to enjoy when we all saw each other every ______ school day.

BUT, when you return to school, we will have “Show and Tell” in all classes. A student will show something and tell about it. We will do this every ________ school day.

WHY? You all liked Show and Tell when you were in kindergart­en, and the only reason it ended after that was to save time for other ______ things. But really, nothing is as good as Show and Tell.

EXAMPLES: A boy we all know named ________, brought a _______ to school and explained that his _________ gave it to him for his birthday. He showed how he used it and said it was the most _______ gift he ever received. The teacher allowed him to pass it around the classroom so that everybody could try it out. This made all his classmates feel so ______! See? It’s good!

THEN a girl we all know named _____ brought her _______ to school to show it off, and this resulted in everybody in the class rushing to ________ after school to buy one. That store loves us.

ALSO, there was the fateful day when the school janitor, Mr. ______, was in the classroom cleaning up some broken _____s, when a kid named _______ was showing his _____ to the class. The janitor remembered that it’s against school rules to bring such a thing to school, so he walked up in front of the class and told about a time when one of those ______ things blew up and made a huge hole in the ceiling. Next, a flock of ______ swooped in and pecked all the screaming kids. Next, everyone went running to the school nurse, who swabbed all the peck marks with ______ and then handed out ______ bandaids. Somebody filmed the whole pecking incident and it was shown on the TV news that evening. People were writing letters to us from all over the world, even as far away as ______.

SO, there are limits for what you may bring for Show and Tell.

The cafeteria ladies do not want you to bring certain foods, especially _______ or _______, because seeing those foods at school will just make all you kids feel ______. If you have a birthday, though, and want to bring enough ______ for the whole class to eat, that’s okay.

TRUTH: After viewing a Show and Tell item, you will have to write a _____ page report about it. Next, it will be included in a math lesson and a history lesson. You will draw a ______ picture of it and write a _____ song, and make up a dance. At recess you will do your dances. I will be watching. I can hardly wait!

‘Bye for now.

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