The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Advocacy group wants to ensure older Americans included in pandemic recovery

- AMAC Action

AMAC Action has provided Congress and the Administra­tion a series of recommenda­tions aimed at safeguardi­ng seniors’ interests within the flurry of legislativ­e proposals designed to cope with COVID-19’s aftermath.

“Senior Americans are among those most impacted by the virus, not just from a health susceptibi­lity standpoint, but from an economic impact perspectiv­e,” said Bob Carlstrom, president, AMAC Action, the advocacy affiliate of the 2.1 million-member Associatio­n of Mature American Citizens. “We believe our recommenda­tions will be helpful to the Congress in addressing issues seniors face.”

Among the recommenda­tions:

Make the healthcare system more transparen­t.

Replace “surprise medical billing” with a fair and equitable arbitratio­n process: “Americans should not receive a surprise bill when receiving medical treatment at an in-network hospital or surgery center,” said Carlstrom. AMAC supports enactment of legislatio­n such as HR 3502, a strong bipartisan bill that comprehens­ively and properly addresses the surprise bill issue.

Order compelling price transparen­cy between hospitals and insurers. The health care system is in dire need of transparen­cy and the freedom for patients to experience the individual­ized care they want for themselves and their families.

Enact the “Lowering Prescripti­on Drug Prices for America’s Seniors and Families Act of 2020” (S. 3384) which would require Medicare Part D plans to include real-time benefit informatio­n. Knowing what’s covered and how much they would have to pay out-ofpocket would empower seniors to take more control over their prescripti­on costs.”

Increase long-term health for individual­s and society.

Increase access to primary physician care for Medicaid-eligible Americans — enact the Physician Pro Bono Care Act (H.R. 856): This bipartisan bill increases access for lowincome patients to receive chronic healthcare at physician and clinical offices, rather than expensive hospital ERs. By offering physicians the opportunit­y to take a charitable tax deduction for seeing Medicaid eligible patients in their offices and clinics, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) could see billions of dollars in savings. The cost of this self-executing tax deduction pales in comparison to the level of Medicaid and CHIP reimbursem­ents for the same services, particular­ly the costs for chronic care in ER visits, a 95% savings.

Enact the Personaliz­ed

Care Act of 2019 (S. 3112), which would expand HSAs to pay for direct primary care, health sharing ministries, insurance premiums and medication­s.

Enact the “Protecting Seniors Through Immunizati­on Act of 2019” (H.R. 5076) which would eliminate outof-pocket vaccine costs for Medicare beneficiar­ies.

Improve Social Security during the coming recovery.

AMAC Actions advocates several Social Security policies to help seniors:

Guarantee a minimum Social Security COLA for 2021 and beyond, based on MAGI to ensure the lower income beneficiar­ies with greater need are helped, not by a one-size-fits-all CPI formula.

Enact the bipartisan Senior Citizens Tax Eliminatio­n Act (H.R. 3971) to eliminate the unjust double-tax on middle-income seniors’ Social Security benefits.

Protect Social Security benefits from federal government­al garnishmen­t.

Protect small businesses and their employees.

“Seniors are one of the most at-risk population­s for coronaviru­s, however they are also one of the largest groups of small business owners and will be responsibl­e for putting Americans back to work in the coming recovery,” said Carlstrom.

More than one-quarter of all new business starts are by seniors ages 55-64. More than 1.5 million of the 6.5 million of the new businesses created each year are started by seniors.

According to AMAC Action’s recommenda­tions, Congress should act to:

Ensure seniors are not locked out of SBA programs providing quick and easy access to credit, debt forbearanc­e and targeted debt forgivenes­s.

Protect at-risk seniors who are still working and who want to return to work by helping small businesses to afford personal protective equipment.

Delay tax filing until mid-October, which would allow small businesses a cash cushion during these fragile months.

AMAC Action secured some key policy wins in the CARES Act, Carlstrom noted, expressing hope that the organizati­on could tack on more victories for mature Americans in the coming weeks and months.

“Members on both sides of the aisle are very good at counting votes,” he said. “In the 2020 election, about 40 percent of eligible voters will be 56 and older. Seniors are more likely to turn out to vote will likely comprise a disproport­ionally larger share of those who show up at the polls.”

About AMAC Action: The rapidly growing 2.1-millionmem­ber AMAC Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy organizati­on created to assist Associatio­n of Mature American Citizens members with grassroots participat­ion on Capitol Hill and at the local level through its advocacy programs.

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