The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Democracy is at stake in 2020

- E.J. Dionne EJ Dionne Columnist

The future of American democracy will be on the ballot next year. No one should pretend otherwise.

We witnessed President Trump’s obvious disdain for democratic rights and liberties once again last week during his warm encounter in Japan with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

And the U.S. Supreme Court’s partisan, anti-democratic decision on gerrymande­ring, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, showed how dangerous it would be to expand a right-wing majority hellbent on making our system less inclusive, less fair and less equal.

For these reasons, Democratic primary voters should not be knocked for making “electabili­ty” their highest criterion in picking a presidenti­al candidate.

Of course judging who is most likely to win is a difficult and rather subjective enterprise. And this calculatio­n must not be a cover for sexism. But Democrats have no room for error. They need to avoid the sectarian infighting for which their party is famous and find a candidate who can excite turnout while also demonstrat­ing broad reach and political savvy.

Let’s focus on the horror of our president making light of Russian interferen­ce in our election during his Friday meeting with Putin, and yukking it up with the Russian president over how bad members of the media are. According to the Committee to Protect Journalist­s, 25 have been murdered since Putin took power. Many of them were investigat­ing his regime.

Referring to the journos in the room, Trump said: “Get rid of them. ‘Fake news’ is a great term, isn’t it? You don’t have this problem in Russia, but we do.”

To which Putin responded, in English: “We also have. It’s the same.”

Which is worse: Trump’s seeming appreciati­on for the brutal control Putin exercises over his country, or the Russian leader claiming our two countries are “the same”?

Aren’t you sick of those who call themselves “constituti­onal conservati­ves” letting Trump off the hook for his cavalier attitude toward liberty by suggesting he’s just being, well, Trump?

And speaking of the Constituti­on, the five members of the Supreme Court’s Republican Machine (two of them named by Trump) shoved aside mounds of evidence, threw up their hands and declared themselves powerless to contain the radical gerrymande­ring of legislativ­e seats. They did so even while effectivel­y conceding the obvious, well-described in Justice Elena Kagan’s history-will-remember dissent: that gerrymande­rs “enabled politician­s to entrench themselves … against voters’ preference­s” and “promoted partisansh­ip above respect for the popular will.”

Here’s the maddening thing about the majority’s opinion: conservati­ves who were happy to override decades of precedent to throw out laws limiting money’s influence in politics and to gut the Voting Rights Act suddenly discovered judicial modesty on gerrymande­rs.

Notice: When judicial interventi­on helps Republican­s, expands the power of the wealthy or undercuts the ability of minorities to vote, the court’s conservati­ves are activist. When restraint helps the GOP, they are overcome by humility.

Please read Kagan’s scathing and at times wickedly mocking dissent. She shows how Roberts and his allies are willfully blind to how much the world of political mapmaking has changed because of “big data and modern technology.” These tools not only allow very precise election-fixing (creating the “voter-proof map”) but also provide courts with easy ways of detecting in a “politicall­y neutral” way “the worst-of-theworst cases of democratic subversion.”

“These are not your grandfathe­r’s — let alone the Framers’ — gerrymande­rs.” Kagan writes. “For the first time in this Nation’s history, the majority declares that it can do nothing about an acknowledg­ed constituti­onal violation because it has searched high and low and cannot find a workable legal standard to apply.”

Our democracy is thus under challenge at two very different levels. We have a dictator-admiring president. And we have a court majority subtly, learnedly and gradually chipping away at core principles of democratic equality. A reelected Trump would only be worse. And additional conservati­ves on the court could lock in disastrous law for more than a generation.

Winning is not supposed to be everything. But for Democrats, this time, it is.

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