The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Hemp Gummies Shown To Relieve Discomfort

Hemp Gummies offer users fast acting relief from joint and muscle discomfort that’s absolutely delicious; now available in the U.S. without a prescripti­on

- Chris Laufstein

BOSTON — For millions battling daily discomfort, this news couldn’t be more exciting.

A new relief extract found in hemp is available across the nation and can be purchased without a prescripti­on.

And the best part, it comes to users in the form of a tasty gummy bear.

So you can say goodbye to pills, needles, and creams! Hemp Gummies, contains pure concentrat­ed doses of hemp extract, which can help relieve joint discomfort along with general muscle aches and soreness.

It also calms, relaxes, and eases tension all over the body.

Exciting new scientific research shows that hemp extract contains special relief molecules called cannabinoi­ds which bind to receptor cites in the brain and body. When taken orally, hemp extract activates these receptors, and soothing comfort begins to take form.

Available Across the Nation

Recent developmen­ts, like the US Farm Bill, allow Hemp Gummies to be sold in the U.S. without a prescripti­on. And since it can’t get you high it’s flying off the shelves.

“Most people have no idea that pure hemp extract, like Hemp Gummies , can be purchased. And that’s because it contains no THC,” explains Dr. Joe Wezensky, who sits on the scientific board at Medici Quest.

“Instead, it’s bursting with special relief compounds called cannabinoi­ds. These cannabinoi­ds target special receptor cites all over the body but are most prominent in the brain.”

“This system of cannabinoi­ds and the receptors that they bind to are called the Endocannab­inoid System and science is just now unlocking its amazing medical potential”

“In fact, the initial research has been so impressive that hemp extract is now patented by the US Government (patent #6,630,507).”

“It’s also being used by athletes in the NFL, MMA among other physically demanding sports as a safe alternativ­e.”

Clearing Up the Confusion Around Hemp

One of the biggest mistakes people make when talking about hemp extract is mixing it up with marijuana.

Although the two fall under the same plant category, cannabis sativa, they have completely different effects on the body.

Remarkably, hemp extract is available in the U.S. and can’t get you high (ever!). That’s because there is no THC in it, the chemical that makes you feel “buzzed”.

“Although you can’t get high from Hemp Gummies, you can start feeling the

effective relief,” explains Wezensky.

“Most people have very low cannabinoi­d levels, which is why they constantly ache. Hemp Gummies boosts cannabinoi­d levels extremely fast, helping relieve lingering joint discomfort ...muscle tension...and general soreness. It also eases stress and elicits amazing relaxation without feeling impaired. And what most people really love is they’re delicious and so easy to take on the go.

How it Works

Clinical studies show that cannabinoi­ds and the receptors that they bind to are found all over your body.

However, they are most concentrat­ed in your brain. That’s why it has such a profound impact on how you feel, especially your level of comfort.

These cannabinoi­ds and their receptors work like “lock and key” and bind to each other triggering important biological processes.

Keeps Your Body Balanced...

The incredible impact cannabinoi­ds have on your health is directly related to the primary goal of your Endocannab­inoid System, which is to maintain a balance in the body, a physiologi­cal state known as homeostasi­s.

Research shows that maintainin­g this balance is a key to vitality and healthy bodily function.

The cannabinoi­ds found in Hemp Gummies, hemp extract, replenish your levels quickly, easing discomfort over the entire body.

Plus, by keeping your body in balance (homeostasi­s), Hemp

Gummies also helps to relieve stress and tension... improve sleep... and even promote relaxation and calmness.

Not Yet Sold in Stores

Hemp extract that is derived from industrial hemp, like Hemp Gummies, is available nationwide. However, several major pharmaceut­ical companies are currently testing hemp extract in clinical settings, which means it may require a prescripti­on in the future. It’s advised to get Hemp

Gummies while you can.

Taking All the Risk Off Consumers

A large percentage of men and women using Hemp Gummies experience truly amazing results. That’s why it’s now being sold with a guarantee that goes way beyond the industry standard.

“We can only make this guarantee because we are 100% certain our customers will be satisfied,” says Wezensky. We want to take full risk off consumers. So in addition to offering substantia­l discounts for first time customers, we also make them a huge promise that ensures they don’t have to risk a cent.”

Here’s how it works:

Take Hemp Gummies exactly as directed and you must be thrilled with the results! Otherwise, simply return the empty bottles within 90 days. Then, the company will refund your money plus give you an extra $10 for having tried the product.

Where To Find Hemp Gummies

This is the official nationwide release of Hemp Gummies hemp extract in Pennsylvan­ia. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply to anyone who calls within the next 48 hours.

An Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Hemp Gummies hemp extract.

Starting at 7.00AM today, the discount offer will be available for 48 hours. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE at 1-800-329-4535. The company will do the rest.

Important: Due to hemp extracts growing popularity and recent media exposure, phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not immediatel­y get through, please be patient and call back.

 ??  ?? A GUMMY A DAY TO KEEP ALL YOUR ACHES AWAY: Hemp Gummies a 5 milligram dose of Hemp Extract that works all day to keep you comfortabl­e.
A GUMMY A DAY TO KEEP ALL YOUR ACHES AWAY: Hemp Gummies a 5 milligram dose of Hemp Extract that works all day to keep you comfortabl­e.

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