The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Daughter’s birth reawakens memories of abuse in dad

- Dear Abby Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY » My husband and I are proud parents of our first child, a girl. Despite his excitement and pride, her arrival has caused his childhood sexual abuse by his stepfather to resurface with more detail than he previously remembered. It has reached the point that if he isn’t thinking about suicide, he’s grilling me for reasons why I love him, which he doesn’t believe.

He recently told me he’s afraid of holding our 4-month-old daughter or changing her diaper in case he does something abusive by mistake. Besides constant reassuranc­es and encouragem­ent, how can I help the man I love when he refuses the outside help denied to him as a child? — Worried wife in Mississipp­i

DEAR WORRIED WIFE » It is extremely important that your husband get profession­al help NOW! What his stepfather did was not his fault. He may think he’s unlovable because he somehow blames himself for what happened to him.

There are at least nine rape treatment centers throughout the state of Mississipp­i. Your husband needs to go to one before he does something to hurt himself. If he won’t do it for himself, then he should do it for the sake of his daughter, who needs him, and his wife, who adores him.

DEAR ABBY » I am a 20-yearold female college student who often comes home to sleep because it’s close to my job, and it’s my primary residence during the summer and holidays.

I love my family very much, but I’m having a problem because my mother insists on sleeping in my bed with me while I’m there. My stepdad snores incredibly loudly, and he refuses to get help. Mom often can’t sleep because of it.

Sometimes he sleeps on the couch and she’ll get a reprieve. However, several times a week, Mom will sleep in my bed. Not only does this disrupt my sleep, but I would love to have my privacy back. She has tried earplugs, but they help only a little bit. How can I get my personal space back? I would value some advice. — Over it in Buffalo

DEAR OVER IT » Because your stepdad’s snoring can’t be heard from the couch, on nights when your mother needs to sleep in your bed, why don’t YOU take the couch? That way all of you can get a good night’s rest. However, until you are independen­t and able to make other living arrangemen­ts, you may have to sacrifice your need for privacy in the interest of practicali­ty.

P.S. Individual­s who have a serious snoring problem should let their doctor know, because it could be a symptom of a life-threatenin­g medical condition called sleep apnea. Please tell your mother that if her husband’s snoring is irregular and he “holds his breath” between snores, it shouldn’t be ignored.

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