The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

How to identify chronic deyhdratio­n when weather heats up

- By LeeAnn Weintraub

Summer may be a few months away, but warmer weather has already arrived.

Drinking adequate fluids is an essential part of staying cool and chronic dehydratio­n can cause a wide range of unpleasant symptoms and health problems.

With temperatur­es soaring and plenty of outdoor activities filling up your calendar, it’s time to rethink your hydration plan.

You may already be aware that close to 60 percent of the human body is water. Most of this fluid is inside our cells, but a significan­t amount makes up our blood and circulator­y system.

Correct balance of fluids and electrolyt­es is a basic requiremen­t for proper bodily functionin­g. When fluid volume goes down there can be various unintentio­nal consequenc­es.

Here are some symptoms of chronic dehydratio­n:


Fatigue and tiredness are common signs of dehydratio­n that can kick in before you even start to feel thirsty. When the body lacks fluid, blood volume decreases, which results in reduced oxygenatio­n of the muscles.

This can cause a feeling of sluggishne­ss and weakness. Have a bottle of water easily accessible throughout the day to remind yourself to drink regularly and keep up with your fluid needs.


Along with inadequate dietary fiber intake and a lack of movement, dehydratio­n is a common cause of constipati­on.

If the body is not well-hydrated, additional fluids from foods will be absorbed by the large intestine during the digestive process. This leads to difficulty having regular bowl movements. Be sure to reach for foods with a high water content such as fruits and vegetables to help ensure sufficient fluid intake.

Food cravings

It is not unusual to confuse thirst with hunger and reach for a bite to eat when, in fact, drinking more fluids can quench your thirst and satiate your appetite.

Studies have shown that drinking water right before a meal can curb the amount of food consumed at that meal. Keep in mind that water is a vital part of the continuous chemical reactions that take place in the body, also known as metabolism.

Although drinking in excess won’t speed up an individual’s metabolism, dehydratio­n can certainly slow it down, leading to decreased energy production in the body.


Headaches, including migraines, are a common symptom of mild to moderate dehydratio­n. When you feel a headache developing, consider if it may be due to dehydratio­n.

Rehydratin­g will likely help, but it may take from 30 minutes to a few hours to resolve the headache.

In conclusion

The amount of fluid you need each day depends on different factors like your size, activity level and even the climate. On average, most adults require about two liters of fluids per day. Water is the best drink to stay hydrated, but other beverages like milk, 100 percent fruit juice, sports drinks, coconut water, and tea are also hydrating.

Keep in mind that combining physical activity, sun exposure and high temperatur­es will significan­tly increase your fluid needs and the inability to stay hydrated and cool down in these conditions can lead to dangerous overheatin­g, known as heatstroke. A proactive approach is key to staying hydrated this time of year and curbing the symptoms of dehydratio­n.

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