The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Delay allows for FBI investigat­ion

Sen. Jeff Flake demands a week’s pause to probe allegation­s against Kavanaugh

- By Dan Freedman

WASHINGTON — Democrats breathed a little easier Friday after Republican­s agreed to Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake’s demand for a weeklong delay in Senate confirmati­on of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, giving the FBI time to investigat­e allegation­s of sexual abuse.

But the breathing room in the Democrats’ monthslong effort to defeat Kavanaugh may be short lived. An FBI probe that proves inconclusi­ve could give Senate Republican leaders space to push forward on Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on.

Without an FBI-uncovered smoking gun, Republican­s could argue they bent over backward to permit testimony from Kavanaugh’s main accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, as well as ordering up the investigat­ion Democrats demanded — one that GOP senators had previously

rejected as unnecessar­y.

But short lived or not, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., a Judiciary Committee member who questioned both Ford and Kavanaugh at Thursday’s epic hearing, said Friday that the FBI probe may be the last and best chance to get at the truth.

“I’m dealing with this one day at a time,” Blumenthal said after the committee voted 11-10 along party lines to pass the Kavanaugh nomination to the Senate floor with the understand­ing that a confirmati­on vote would be delayed a week.

That gives the FBI time to investigat­e allegation­s from Ford and two other women, including former Yale classmate and ex-Shelton resident Deborah Ramirez, that Kavanaugh was sexually abusive.

Coming Investigat­ion

“The test will be whether the investigat­ion is real and penetratin­g and complete,” said Blumenthal. “I have some hope and perhaps confidence that the FBI will consider its profession­al integrity on the line and won’t settle for a half-baked investigat­ion. I’m not going to speculate on what happens if the FBI fails.”

Since allegation­s by Ford and the two other women surfaced earlier this month, Blumenthal and other Democrats have been calling for a delay in a confirmati­on vote for the 53-year-old conservati­ve D.C. appeals court judge until an FBI probe takes place.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, had insisted that an FBI probe was unnecessar­y because agents do little more than take witness statements, which committee staffers had essentiall­y done already.

In often-belligeren­t testimony Thursday, Kavanaugh himself said he’d been subjected to numerous FBI background checks as a Supreme Court nominee, an appeals court nominee, and before that as a staffer in the White House of George W. Bush.

And, he added, none of the potential witnesses named by Ford could corroborat­e her account of having been at a gathering in 1982 where Kavanaugh allegedly groped her and stifled her screams. He cited Leland Keyser, a close friend of Ford at the time, as stating that she does not remember such a gathering and has never met Kavanaugh.

But Keyser said in an interview with the Washington Post that while she doesn’t remember the incident, she believes Ford’s account.

Flake reconsider­s

The surprise switch by Flake at the Judiciary Committee came hours after he was reported to be voting “yes” in the committee to approve the Kavanaugh nomination and pass it to the Senate floor. Blumenthal and other Democrats had been looking at Flake as a possible defector because of his moderate record, his decision not to seek re-election this year, and his frequent public battles with President Trump.

On Friday, Flake encountere­d a distraught woman in a Senate office elevator — a moment captured by TV cameras that soon went viral.

Judiciary members including Blumenthal gathered at a committee meeting that appeared to be little more than a formality aimed at passing along the Kavanaugh nomination with a favorable recommenda­tion.

Instead, it broke down into a spectacle of senators appearing at the dais, exiting, and then reappearin­g again as negotiatio­ns ensued backstage.

With the committee divided 11-10 in favor of the GOP majority, Republican­s had little choice but to acquiesce to Flake’s demand for a weeklong delay in a Senate floor vote to give the FBI time to investigat­e the allegation­s.

“Senator Flake has made very clear — and I appreciate it — that he wants to know more,” Blumenthal told reporters after the meeting adjourned. “And he believes this delay is the responsibl­e step to take.”

Kavanaugh’s fate could well be in the hands of four undecided senators whose votes could tip the balance either way — Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine; Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska; Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.; and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.

Later on Friday, President Donald Trump himself authorized such an investigat­ion. And the White House released a statement from Kavanaugh pledging that he would go along with the decision to delay confirmati­on.

At the dramatic Thursday hearing, Kavanaugh said, “I answered questions under oath about every topic the Senators and their counsel asked me. I’ve done everything they have requested and will continue to cooperate.”

An unusually subdued Trump told reporters at the White House that while he continues to have faith in Kavanaugh, he, too, would go along with the delay and the probe.

“I’m going to let the Senate handle that,” he said. “They’ll make their decisions.”

Asked whether he was considerin­g a replacemen­t should Kavanaugh falter, Trump replied: “Not even a little bit.”

 ?? Alex Wong / Getty Images ?? U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake, R.-Ariz., speaks to members of the media after a meeting in the office of Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R.-Ky., Friday.
Alex Wong / Getty Images U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake, R.-Ariz., speaks to members of the media after a meeting in the office of Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R.-Ky., Friday.
 ?? Arnold Gold / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? Second-year Yale University law student Briana Clark shows off a button that says “I believe Christine Blasey Ford,” in front of the Sterling Law Building in New Haven on Friday.
Arnold Gold / Hearst Connecticu­t Media Second-year Yale University law student Briana Clark shows off a button that says “I believe Christine Blasey Ford,” in front of the Sterling Law Building in New Haven on Friday.

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