The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Who do you think you are?

- By Rev. Bobbie Chapman

We live in a time where people “puff up” their resumes, vastly embellish accomplish­ments or experience­s, or out-rightly lie. It is not uncommon to hear on the news, almost daily, about someone who says something and with our ability to almost instantly fact check has their claims refuted. We ask, “Who do you think you are?”

Some folks use this approach to try to gain credibilit­y and hope that their charisma will smooth the way while others use this approach as a manner of bullying while still others use it out of a sense of inferiorit­y and a fear of being discounted or ignored. As a general rule the use of this approach of deception does not end well, although it may take a considerab­le time for the truth to come to light. But come to light it usually does. Bernie Madoff is an example of one who used deception, trickery and outright falsehood to swindle people out of their life savings. And while he may have lived well on his ill gotten gains for a while, is not living well in prison, where he will be for the rest of his natural life. We have all read of journalist­s, scientists, lawyers and even pastors who have puffed themselves up, only to come crashing back to earth without benefit of a parachute of any kind.

It is interestin­g to note that those with true credential­s; those with true authority; those with the ability are not out trying to sell themselves but rather just quietly going about their business.

This is true for our Lord and Savior, Jesus. In tomorrow’s Gospel lesson Jesus says, “I am the resurrecti­on and the life. Whoever lives and believes in Me, though they be dead, yet shall they live and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” (Jn. 11)

This is an audacious statement unless one considers the circumstan­ces. It is always good to look at Scripture in context, circumstan­ce and place within The Canon.

Jesus did not get out the proverbial soap box to make this claim; did not make it as part of a sermon to a crowd of thousands; did not make it in the midst of nowhere for no particular reason. Jesus made this statement to one woman in response to a statement, if not accusation from her at a time of great stress and loss for her and followed up the statement with action that showed that he was not just talking off the cuff but speaking the truth.

Mary and Martha’s brother, Lazarus had been ill and his sisters sent for their friend Jesus, Who took His time getting to them. By the time Jesus arrives, Lazarus is not only dead but has been in the tomb for four days. Martha confronts Jesus with a statement, some would consider it an accusation, and that if Jesus had only come sooner, Lazarus would not have died. It is in this context that Jesus does not call Martha dumb nor try to justify His reasons for being delayed nor refuse to assist but rather to simply state Who and What He is, the resurrecti­on and the life with all the power and authority that implies.

After asking Martha if she believes, which she firmly states she does, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. This is Who Jesus is; this is what Jesus does; this is the authority of the Son of God, The Christ.

When someone tries to sell us a bill of goods, so to speak, about whom and what they are, Jesus is showing us that it is the one who does not have to broadcast, but rather to simply act for the good. Grandstand­ing, from Jesus’ perspectiv­e, seems to be the telltale sign of one who speaks without portfolio. It was true with the Pharisees, the wealthy; those who tried to usurp power not rightfully theirs. Jesus responds with the truth and acts upon it.

Do we believe? Will we emulate Jesus’ example and not seek to be more than who and what we are? It is a lesson of Lent, believe only in the One who speaks with authority and lives it. Live as one who believes.

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