The Record (Troy, NY)

Runners take training to the next level

- By Jennifer Dugan

Running a 5k or 10k race can be a daunting propositio­n to many people. However, with the right training and support, even avid couch potatoes can find themselves gearing up for that finish line. Organizers for the 66th annual Troy Turkey Trot decided to meet this need head on with their Trot Training Challenge, a running program designed to improve the skills of both novice and skilled runners alike. With the help of the Trot Training Challenge, runners in the Capital District will be ready to lace up their sneakers at any of the six races taking place across our region on Thanksgivi­ng morning.

The 10-week training challenge first kicked off on Sept. 16 and has since followed a weekly modified version of the popular Couch to 5k running plan. However, unlike many other programs, the Trot Training Challenge also included both a nutritiona­l and injury prevention component. Designed not only to get people running but also to keep them running safely, runners worked toward their goal of training for a 5k or 10k with the help of their coaches, during group runs in Troy’s own Prospect Park. For those who preferred to train solo or that could not regularly make the group runs, the Trot Training Challenge also offered up a virtual training program via email.

Runner Olivia Frempong says the Trot Training Challenge has been instrument­al in helping her to meet her goals as she trains for her first 10k. “The training program has helped me stay focused on my goals and really envision being able to push my body to do beyond what my mind thinks it can. I never thought that I’d be able to run more than 3 miles and now I will be able to run 6. Having the best coaches; George Regan, Kristen Hislop and Patrick Lynskey, has got to be the most beneficial thing in this program,” Frempong said. “I would definitely recommend it to anyone. Everyone encourages one another and it’s a fun time. I am a busy mom. I have three kids under three: a 34 month old toddler and 16 month old twins. If I can do it, anyone can.”

Frempong says that she relied on the twice weekly group runs to help her to stay accountabl­e. “At first I was a bit intimidate­d because I knew that I was probably going to be one of the slowest runners and again 10k, whoa, what a distance. I am in the group run trainings, which have been so motivation­al and encouragin­g. There’s something so amazing about being part of a group of runners that are all working towards a goal but yet all at different stages. It’s been very encouragin­g,” she said “I feel like every week, I’m getting better and better and breaking limits I thought I had maxed out at. I’ve been keeping progress of my train- ing runs and every week it just gets better and better.”

Local runner Sam C. has seen similar gains as he trains for the 5k race at the Troy Turkey Trot, returning to the sport after a long hiatus from running. “I always enjoyed running but stopped doing it a number of years ago for different reasons. The challenge was a good way for me to start running again. I was motivated by the challenge and fellow family members to participat­e in the program,” he said.

He credits both the group running and virtual training program with his success thus far. “I am doing a mix of group running and virtual training. I try to make as many group sessions as my schedule allows,” he said. “The training program has helped [me reach my goal] by providing a regimented routine to follow. The program is a great motivator and provides a structure to achieve your goals whatever they are. George Regan and his staff de- liver an excellent program to follow with the group sessions or on your own. They have a great deal of experience that they are willing to share to help you be successful.”

For Frempong, it’s all about crossing that finish line and celebratin­g her accomplish­ments. “I am looking forward to a lot of things. The first is for me is to make it across that lovely finish line-knowing that I set out a goal that seemed so unrealisti­c for me at the beginning of this year but accomplish­ing it. Seeing my husband, kids, other family and friends is going to be emotional, I just know it. Setting a [personal record,] any first is a [personal record,] and that’ll just set me up for my next 10k race,” Frempong said. “Make sure you look out for me at the finish line. I’ll be the one doing a great dance with the biggest smile on my face.”

For more informatio­n, or to register for the race, visit troyturkey­

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