The Punxsutawney Spirit

Iran’s supreme leader warns sole reformist in presidenti­al race, while calling for ‘maximum’ turnout


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran’s supreme leader issued a thinly veiled warning Tuesday to the sole reformist candidate in the country’s upcoming presidenti­al election, saying anyone who believes “all ways to progress” come from the United States shouldn’t be supported.

While often speaking in parables like many Iranian politician­s, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appeared to directly undercut the candidacy of 69-year-old heart surgeon Masoud Pezeshkian, who has aligned himself with officials from the administra­tion of former President Hassan Rouhani. Rouhani helped reach Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, an accord Pezeshkian has fully embraced in contrast with his five hard-line opponents, who want an agreement fully on Iran’s terms.

Khamenei also called for “maximum” turnout for Friday’s vote, which analysts say could support Pezeshkian. Already, the doctor’s rallies have drawn large crowds in major cities, though it remains unclear whether his candidacy alone would be enough to push an apathetic public to vote to replace the late President Ebrahim Raisi, a protégé of Khamenei who died in a helicopter crash in May.

“Some politician­s in our country believe they must kowtow to this power or that power, and it’s impossible to progress without sticking to famous countries and powers,” Khamenei said in a speech marking the Shiite holiday of Eid al-Ghadir. “Some think like that. Or they think that all ways to progress pass through America. No, such people can’t” run the country well, he said.

Khamenei’s comments in his hourlong speech drew repeated cries of “Death to America, death to Israel” from a raucous crowd. The 85-year-old Khamenei had to urge the crowd to quiet themselves several times during his remarks.

Khamenei’s call comes after a parliament­ary election that saw a record low turnout earlier this year. Voters across the capital, Tehran, who have spoken with The Associated Press have expressed widespread apathy over the election as Iran faces an economy crushed by Western sanctions and after widespread anti-government protests in recent years, particular­ly after the 2022 death of Mahsa Amini and women refusing to wear the country’s mandatory headscarf, or hijab.

Pezeshkian, little known to the general public before registerin­g for the campaign, has drawn large crowds in Tehran and other major cities. Among his most-prominent allies is former Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who led negotiatio­ns for the nuclear deal.

Khamenei’s remarks also can be seen as a warning to Zarif and even Rouhani himself, whose former administra­tion has been blasted by hardliners in the time since the collapse of the deal in 2018 after then-U.S. President Donald Trump unilateral­ly withdrew America from the deal. Since then, Iran has advanced its program to enrich uranium up to weapons-grade levels while also hampering the ability of internatio­nal inspectors to monitor it.

Pezeshkian also has been trying to adopt symbols of previous campaigns by popular reformists, who seek to change Iran’s theocracy from inside. His campaign slogan “For Iran,” a call to nationalis­m rather than religion, mirrors an earlier campaign slogan used by former reformist President Mohammad Khatami.

Pezeshkian also has been photograph­ed wearing green scarves — apparently trying to associate himself with the 2009 Green Movement protests that swept Iran after the disputed vote and bloody crackdown that saw hard-liner Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d re-elected as president.

Khamenei made a point to seemingly link the upcoming election to the wider tensions in the Mideast amid the IsraelHama­s war.

“The Islamic Republic has enemies. One thing that helps the Islamic Republic overcome its enemies are the elections,” Khamenei said. “If a good turnout is seen in these elections, it will make the Islamic Republic proud.”

However, Friday’s vote comes after a record-low turnout in Iran’s March parliament­ary election of just under 41%. Similar numbers could be seen in the presidenti­al election as well.

If all the hard-line candidates stay in, they could split the vote against Pezeshkian and could force a second round of voting a week later as Iranian law requires a winner to receive more than 50% of all votes cast. Typically though, candidates drop out after the last debate and coalesce around one clear front runner.

“Pezeshkian is leading and over the next three days he will definitely widen the gap with others,” said analyst Abbas Abdi, who is aligned with reformists. “Withdrawin­g is not going to help them.”

Noting how all levers of Iran’s government had been held by hard-liners under Raisi without any change, Abdi added, “The ruling system has made a policy shift because it has realized that unifying the ruling system doesn’t work.”

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