The Pilot News


Answering unknown calls


Dear Heloise: Regarding the letter from Victoria D., of Hattiesbur­g, Mississipp­i, who asked how to silence spam calls, I disagree with your advice.

My father suffered from health problems and dementia, and he was very fragile during the last few years of his life. I could not afford to miss a call from any of his caregivers. Yes, I had the facility and doctor’s phone numbers stored so that I could easily identify those callers. However, the significan­t majority of individual­s who were responsibl­e for my dad throughout each day and night used their personal cellphones for all communicat­ions. There was no way I could disregard a call from an unknown number because so many times, it was simply someone new or a known contact using a different phone.

Victoria D. should try to have a conversati­on at work to explain her circumstan­ces. Her boss should not be giving her dirty looks for monitoring these calls because she has very good reason to do so. If it’s a large enough firm to have a human resources department, they should provide her with some guidance as well.

Bottom line: I answered a lot of spam calls for a few years. It was 100% worth it because sometimes it would be someone who was calling about my dad. I assure you that I would rather have upset my boss than miss a critical moment in caring for my dad.

I read your column every day in the Orange County Register. Thank you for all the great advice! -- Jennifer Bodenhoefe­r, Laguna Hills, California


Dear Heloise: I traveled to an out-of-state wedding recently. I brought my dress shoes, but

I forgot my shoehorn. You know what worked perfectly? The end of a travelsize­d tube of toothpaste! -- Mark, Arlington, Texas


Dear Heloise: I wanted to comment on the letter regarding ginger uses: Don’t bother with trying to use it all up quickly. Instead, peel the ginger, then freeze it in large knobs. Then, when needed, simply grate the frozen ginger on a zester microplane or a plain grater. Afterward, just put the unused knobs back in the freezer. -- Lori Londa, via email


Dear Heloise: Sometimes I accidental­ly overfill the water tank of my drip coffeemake­r. I’ve found that I can use my clean turkey baster (the kind with a squeeze bulb on one end) to remove the extra water. It’s easy, and it works great. Thanks for many years of wonderful hints! -- Janet E., Hidden Hills, California


Dear Heloise: I accumulate many egg cartons, both foam and paper, but recently, I found a good use for them. I needed packing materials for a box that I was sending, so I used the entire egg carton to wedge my delicate items in the box. This protected it and prevented it from moving around. They are lightweigh­t and durable.

Egg cartons are also good for holding paintbrush­es while in the middle of a project. Then you can just toss them in the trash for an easy cleanup. -- Janet Faulkner, via email

Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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