The Pilot News

Getting to the heart of anger’s heart risks


A Boston news station’s poll found that folks are feeling chronicall­y angry about almost everything these days. The problem with that, as Mark Twain once said, is that “anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” OMG, was he right.

Your blood vessels are damaged by chronic anger -and even a brief flare changes the way they function. A new National Institutes of Health-funded study shows that anger reduces blood vessels’ ability to dilate and that can lead to longterm damage that increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

The good news? Anger management techniques can not only make relationsh­ips with those around you run more smoothly, but they can also help you prevent heart disease. We have long advocated mindful meditation for 10 minutes in the morning and evening. Regular physical exercise also dispels stress and anger, as does cultivatin­g a posse of supportive pals and finding a purpose that inspires you.

What you eat also influences mood. Harvard Medical School says that studies show that Mediterran­ean and traditiona­l Japanese diets reduce your risk of depression by 25% to 35% compared to eating a typical American diet. And a new study in Nature Mental Health says that there is a profound connection between a healthy diet and a healthy mental state. You also may want to explore the benefits of stress-soothing supplement­s like Ashwagandh­a. Check out the blog “6 Evidence-based Natural Approaches to Reducing Stress.” Om-m-m my, you’ll feel better!

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