The Palm Beach Post

Pope changes church’s teaching to fully reject death penalty

- By Chico Harlan

ROME — Pope Francis has changed Catholic Church teaching to fully reject the death penalty, the Vatican announced Thursday, saying it would work to abolish capital punishment worldwide.

The change addresses several sentences of the catechism, the compendium of Catholic beliefs, and it sharply amplifies the church’s opposition to a policy that is heavily debated around the world and used in parts of the United States.

The church’s updated teaching states that capital punishment is “inadmissib­le because it is an attack on the inviolabil­ity and dignity of the person.” Previously, the church allowed for the death penalty in very rare cases, only as a means of “defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.”

Francis has for years been a vocal critic of the death penalty, calling it an “inhuman measure,” but his latest move places the issue toward the forefront of his efforts to overhaul and modernize the Roman Catholic Church, even as it struggles to contend with a new wave of sexual abuse allegation­s. The move could also reshape discussion about the issue in the United States, where some Catholic politician­s — such as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, whose state carries out the highest number of executions — have supported the death penalty.

“There is no doubt the pope wants politician­s to pay attention to this,” said John Gehring, the Catholic program director at Faith in Public Life, an advocacy group in Washington. “He is not just speaking internally. The pope wants to elevate this as a definitive pro-life issue.”

The Argentine pontiff, who had hinted last year that such a change might come, has described the church’s stance on the death penalty as evidence of how the Vatican can evolve — in this case, over the course of a generation. The church had for centuries permitted executions, but in 1997, John Paul II dramatical­ly narrowed the standards for when the punishment was permissibl­e. Since then, the number of nations that use capital punishment has decreased.

In some countries, however, politician­s have made a notable push to revive it. On Wednesday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey could soon reinstate the practice — which it abolished in 2004 when it was seeking to meet the requiremen­ts for E.U. membership. In the Philippine­s, a predominan­tly Catholic nation, the church has been at the center of a fight to prevent President Rodrigo Duterte from reinstitut­ing the death penalty.

The shift in the Catholic Church’s position could influence the debate there, as well as in the United States.

“I think what this does is get people to reexamine their own attitudes and conviction­s,” said John Carr, the director of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University, who said any shift in public attitude could be consequent­ial. “The death penalty in the United States probably will not come to an end through an act of Congress or a Supreme Court decision. It will essentiall­y fade away as prosecutor­s don’t ask for it, juries don’t recommend it, and the rest of us don’t support it.”

 ?? ZUMA PRESS ?? Pope Francis has in the past described the death penalty as an “inhuman measure.” The Vatican will now seek to abolish capital punishment worldwide even as some countries may try to reinstate it.
ZUMA PRESS Pope Francis has in the past described the death penalty as an “inhuman measure.” The Vatican will now seek to abolish capital punishment worldwide even as some countries may try to reinstate it.

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