The Palm Beach Post

Disgusting diaper disposal

- Write to Heloise in care of The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33405-1233 or email


Dear Readers: Today’s sound-off is about disposable diapers that are not disposed of properly. — Heloise

Dear Heloise: Nothing seems to be as disgusting as seeing a used disposable diaper lying in a parking lot, on the ground at a campground or anywhere other than in a trash receptacle. If you need to change your baby’s diaper, carry plastic shopping bags with you, and put the diaper in them until you can get to a proper trash can. It’s an unsanitary and unnecessar­y habit to just toss a used diaper any other place except into a trash can. — Claire T., Scottsbluf­f, Neb.

Fast facts Dear Readers:

Here are some things we forget to sanitize but should:

■ The handles on refrigerat­or doors.

■ A computer mouse.

■ Cellphones.

■ Car keys.

— Heloise

No ashtrays Dear Heloise:

There are no ashtrays in my home. They remind me of my mother’s suffering from emphysema. There are plenty of small dishes that could be used instead. — Marsha M., via email

Marsha, yes, and there are other things you can use in place of an ashtray for visitors who smoke: flat seashells, baby-food jars and shallow pet food cans, to name a few. — Heloise

A lesson learned Dear Heloise:

Please tell your readers to wash all of their makeup brushes and applicator­s at least once a week! I learned this the hard way by being careless about cleaning my makeup tools and brushes, and ended up with a terrible skin infection. It’s cost me a considerab­le amount of money to clear up, and left my skin looking rough and scarred. — Maddy H., Camp Hill, Pa.

Cleaning doggy paws Dear Heloise:

On rainy days, my pups like to go for walks or out to the yard, and they come in with muddy paws. I use old bath towels (usually cut into quarters) to wipe off their paws before they track mud all over the house. These old towels can be washed and reused, and are better for the environmen­t than paper towels. — Lois R., Fargo, N.D.

Tons of trophies Dear Heloise:

My ex-husband left 42 trophies behind when he moved out, and I’d like to get rid of them. Can anyone else use these items? — Tiffany M., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Tiffany, yes, try the Salvation Army, or possibly, if they are in good shape, remove the nameplates and ask if a local high school could use them. There also are athletic organizati­ons that might be interested, such as the Junior League or a bowling team. — Heloise

Don’t lose your earring Dear Heloise:

At work last week, I lost the back to my earring. I have pierced ears, and the earrings I had on were some of my favorites. I took a pencil with an eraser on the end, cut off the eraser part and used it as an earring back. Worked like a charm! — Corky W., Fort Myers, Fla.

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