The Palm Beach Post

Legislatur­e to slash preservati­on grants


So far, the 2018 Florida legislativ­e session isn’t shaping up so well for cultural and historic preservati­on grants. Lawmakers seem poised to reduce funding even more than they did last year.

Neither the Senate nor the House have allocated any money for cultural projects, facilities or endowment grants.

The House recommends $5 million for cultural general support grants, but the Senate has earmarked only $203,985 to be spread among 489 organizati­ons statewide. That’s far short of the nearly $42 million in eligible grants recommende­d by the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs for the state’s largest cultural grants program.

In Palm Beach County, the division recommende­d 38 groups for a total of nearly $4.2 million in general support grants. They include the Norton Museum, Palm Beach Dramaworks, Palm Beach Opera, Kravis Center, South Florida Science Center and Aquarium, Armory Art Center, Flagler Museum and Palm Beach Zoo — all for $150,000 each.

The House has proposed nearly $1.47 million for small historic preservati­on grants, while the Senate zeroed out the program. Bigger historic preservati­on projects were recommende­d for nearly $3.1 million by the House and around $1.1 million by the Senate.

Legislator­s also have floated proposals for millions of dollars in grants to projects in their districts that bypass the Division of Cultural Affairs’ and Division of Historical Resources’ judging processes.

The Senate has been particular­ly generous in its proposed funding for special projects. Sherron Long, president of the Florida Cultural Alliance, speculates that’s because it’s an election year.

It’s now up to Senate and House leadership to resolve the discrepanc­ies. A reconciled budget must be presented to the Legislatur­e by Wednesday if the session is to end on time on Friday.

Last year, the Legislatur­e approved nearly $25 million in cultural grants and more than $8.8 million in historic preservati­on grants. That was a drop from the more than $33 million in cultural grants and $12.6 million in historic preservati­on grants allocated in 2016.

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