The Palm Beach Post

Trump may go to Israel for opening of new embassy

Israeli prime minister praises recognitio­n of Jerusalem as capital.

- By Matthew Lee

WASHINGTON — Under twin clouds of legal investigat­ion, President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented a united front on Monday, Trump announcing he might travel to Jerusalem to preside over the opening of the new U.S. Embassy Netanyahu had wanted, and the Israeli lavishing praise on the American leader.

In a show of strong support for Netanyahu, who faces corruption allegation­s at home, Trump dangled the possibilit­y of his second visit to Israel as president. However, he said nothing about whether he would use the trip to unveil his much-vaunted but still mysterious peace plan for Israel and the Palestinia­ns.

The president said his controvers­ial decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the holy city had improved chances for ending the conflict, despite Palestinia­ns’ insistence

otherwise. The two steps enraged the Palestinia­ns, who claim part of Jerusalem for the capital of an eventual state and accuse Trump of abandoning the U.S. role of honest broker.

Trump and his wife, Melania, welcomed Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, to the White House just hours after Israeli police announced that a third confidant of the prime minister had agreed to turn state’s witness in the burgeoning corruption case. Netanyahu and his wife were questioned separately by police for hours on Friday before their departure for Washington.

Monday’s meeting also came amid the continuing U.S. investigat­ion into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidenti­al campaign, a probe that may have implicatio­ns for the president’s Mideast peace point man, son-in-law Jared Kushner, who recently lost his top secret security clearance. And, it took place as profound turmoil in the Middle East threatens hopes of a resumption in Israeli-Palestinia­n negotiatio­ns and attempts to restore stability in the volatile region more broadly.

Trump said his Mideast team, led by Kushner, was hard at work on a peace proposal that is nearing completion, but he offered no details on the plan that the Palestinia­ns say will be dead on arrival.

He said that despite their anger, “the Palestinia­ns, I think, are wanting to come back to the table.” There was no apparent evidence for the assertion.

But, Trump said he had actually given peace a chance by removing Jerusalem as an obstacle in long-stalled negotiatio­ns that have collapsed under successive U.S. administra­tions of both political parties. “Nobody could get past, No. 1 Jerusalem,” he said. “We’ve taken it off the table. So this gives us a real opportunit­y for peace.”

Trump said he was looking into the possibilit­y of traveling to Jerusalem in mid-May, when the embassy is slated to move into a temporary location that is now an annex of the U.S. consulate. “We’re looking at coming,” he said. “If I can, I will.”

With Netanyahu looking on, Trump said he had rejected a $1 billion plan for a new embassy in favor of the temporary facility, which would cost only $250,000. Eventually, however, that embassy would have to be expanded to accommodat­e more than a handful of diplomats. The cost of an expansion likely would run in the hundreds of millions of dollars, based on constructi­on costs for U.S. embassies around the world.

For his part, Netanyahu lavished praise on Trump for the Jerusalem recognitio­n and the embassy move, comparing him with the Persian King Cyrus, who allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem from Babylon 2,500 years ago; former British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, who signed a declaratio­n in 1917 supporting the creation of a Jewish state in what was then the British mandate of Palestine; and President Harry Truman, the first world leader to recognize Israel in 1948.

“Mr. President, this will be remembered by our people throughout the ages,” Netanyahu said. He added that the U.S.-Israel relationsh­ip had never been closer than since Trump took office.

For all the warmth and bonhomie, misgivings are percolatin­g under the surface over Iran, where Israel sees Trump’s efforts to crack down on the Jewish state’s archenemy as lacking.

Iran and its activities in Syria and Lebanon are a profound concern to Israel, and Netanyahu made clear Iran is his highest priority.

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