The Palm Beach Post

New York’s de Blasio cruises to a second term as mayor


NEW YORK — Mayor Bill de Blasio cruised to re-election on Tuesday, fending off token opposition to win a second term as the leader of the nation’s largest city.

De Blasio, a Democrat, easily defeated Republican state lawmaker Nicole Malliotaki­s, of Staten Island, and several third-party candidates.

Speaking to supporters at an election night party at the Brooklyn Museum, de Blasio pledged to make New York the “fairest city in America,” promising to increase investment­s in pre-kindergart­en and affordable housing, to put body cameras on all police officers and to fight for more money to fix the subway system.

“We’ve got to become a fairer city. We’ve got to do it soon, and we’ve got to do it fast,” he said. “You’ve seen some important changes in the last four years, but you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

First elected four years ago, de Blasio emerged as a national leader in progressiv­e politics. But his administra­tion often found itself bogged down in feuds with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a fellow Democrat, and investigat­ions into campaign donations and pay-to-play politics.

De Blasio is the first Democrat to win re-election as New York mayor since Ed Koch 32 years ago even though Democrats outnumber Republican­s in the city by a 6-1 ratio. His toughest opponent on Tuesday, Malliotaki­s, had called him ineffectiv­e.

“We may not have won the race, but we have made our voices heard,” Malliotaki­s told her supporters. “If we continue to fight for what we believe in, we can change the course of this city.”

Third-party candidates in the race included independen­t Bo Dietl, a former detective.

 ??  ?? New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio easily fends off challenger.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio easily fends off challenger.

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