The Palm Beach Post

Increase in contract employment fuels anxiety among workers

Flexibilit­y comes with uncertaint­y about tomorrow.

- By Noam Scheiber

When the California Labor Commission­er’s Office ruled last month that an Uber driver was an employee deserving of a variety of workplace protection­s — and was not, as the company maintained, an independen­t contractor — it highlighte­d the divided feelings many Americans have about what is increasing­ly being called the “gig economy.”

On one hand, startups such as Uber, which is appealing the decision, and Lyft make it possible to conjure up rides on a smartphone in a few seconds’ time.

On the other, Uber — which directly employs fewer than 4,000 of the more than 160,000 people in the United States who depend on it for at least part of their livelihood — and similar companies pose a challenge to long-standing notions of what it means to hold a job.

Uber is the culminatio­n of a generation-long trend. Even before the founding of the company in 2009, the U.S. economy was rapidly becoming an Uber economy writ large, with tens of millions of Americans involved in some form of freelancin­g, contractin­g, temping or outsourcin­g.

Concern about hours

The decades-long shift to these more flexible workplace arrangemen­ts, venture capitalist Nick Hanauer and labor leader David Rolf argue in the latest issue of Democracy Journal, is a “transforma­tion that promises new efficienci­es and greater flexibilit­y for ‘employers’ and ‘employees’ alike, but which threatens to undermine the very foundation upon which middle-class America was built.”

Along with other changes, like declining unionizati­on and advancing globalizat­ion, the increasing­ly arm’s-length nature of employment helps explain why incomes have stagnated and why most Americans remain deeply anxious about their economic prospects six years after the Great Recession ended.

Last year, 23 percent of Americans told Gallup they worried that their working hours would be cut back, up from percentage­s in the low- to mid-teens in the years leading up to the recession. Twenty-four percent said they worried that their wages would be reduced, up from the mid- to high teens before the recession.

Since the early 1990s, as technology has made it far easier for companies to outsource work, that trend has evolved beyond what anyone imagined: Companies began to see themselves as thin, Uber-like slivers standing between customers on one side and their workforces on the other.

“In the past, firms overstaffe­d and offered workers stable hours,” said Susan N. Houseman, a labor economist at the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. “All of these new staffing models mean shifting risk onto workers, making work less secure.”

Contract jobs on rise

The number for the category of jobs mostly performed by part-time freelancer­s or part-time independen­t contractor­s, according to Economic Modeling Specialist­s Intl., a labor market analytics firm, grew to 32 million from just over 20 million between 2001 and 2014, rising to almost 18 percent of all jobs. Surveys, including one by the advisory firm Staffing Industry Analysts of nearly 200 large companies, point to similar changes.

Apple is a vivid example of the trend toward relying on outsiders, directly employing fewer than 10 percent of the more than 1 million workers around the world who are involved in designing, making and selling all those iMacs and iPhones.

The leaner, more flexible workplace is unquestion­ably a boon to many workers. A company called HourlyNerd, based in Boston, connects alumni of top business schools and other specialize­d programs to companies with projects in need of completing, like market analysis or examinatio­ns of pricing strategy. The most sought-after experts enjoy a steady stream of work, earn well into six figures and can winter in Buenos Aires if they choose.

Such arrangemen­ts can send even highly skilled workers into a precarious state. Unlike many of their colleagues in the fast-growing legal outsourcin­g and temping market, lawyers who work for Axiom, one of the industry’s leading players, receive health insurance, paid time off, 401(k)s and money comparable to what they would make at a traditiona­l firm or corporatio­n. Yet many live with the uncertaint­y of not knowing how long they will go between assignment­s, during which time they earn no income from the company.

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