The Palm Beach Post

Real distinctio­n is blood type


I concur with the May 15 letter, “Solve race issue by paying it less heed.” Long ago, British anthropolo­gist Ashley Montagu edited a book, “The Concept of Race.”

A compilatio­n of essays by various scientists, it proved the concept of race to be fallacious. While there are many pigmentati­ons and genetic expression­s of humankind, there is but one “race.”

It is high time we stopped artificial­ly, erroneousl­y and divisively defining ourselves by a false concept. The book made the point that, if we are absolutely determined to divide ourselves on the basis of a physical characteri­stic, the only criterion that could be defended scientific­ally is division by blood t ype.

I’m a Type A. If you’re a Type B or an O or an AB, would we be compatible? housed, the right to vote, etc.

We need to vote out the judges (federal and state) who allow these prisoners to file their lawsuits and clog the courts with absurd requests.

The U.S. Justice Department also needs to be completely overhauled. Bush learned nothing from the Iraq War debacle,” discusses his answer to “Would you, knowing what we know now, have authorized the 2003 invasion of Iraq?”

She implies that the only correct answer is “no,” because no weapons of mass destructio­n were found.

She omits any reference to the United Nations resolution­s that were ignored by Iraq, or the probabilit y that WMDs were shipped out to a third part y (or parties).

The more pertinent question for the current commander in chief, and those who aspire to that position, is this: Would you, knowing what we know now, have withdrawn all U.S. troops from Iraq in 2012?

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