The Palm Beach Post

Gay marriage wins by a landslide in Ireland

Over 60% of voters back referendum in ‘social revolution.’

- By Shawn Pogatchnik Associated Press

DUBLIN — Ireland’s citizens have voted in a landslide to legalize gay marriage, electoral officials announced Saturday — a stunningly lopsided result that illustrate­s what Catholic leaders and rights activists alike called a “social revolution.”

Friday’s referendum saw 62.1 percent of Irish voters say “yes” to changing the nation’s constituti­on to define marriage as a union between two people regardless of their sex. Outside Dublin Castle, thousands of gay rights activists cheered, hugged and cried at the news.

“With today’s vote, we have disclosed who we are: a generous, compassion­ate, bold and joyful people,” Prime Minister Enda Kenny proclaimed as he welcomed the outcome. Beside him, Deputy Prime Minister Joan Burton declared the victory “a magical moving moment, when the world’s beating heart is in Ireland.”

Ireland is the first country to approve gay marriage in a popular national vote. Nineteen other countries have legalized the practice through their legislatur­es and courts.

The unexpected­ly strong percentage of approval surprised both sides. More than 1.2 million Irish voters backed the “yes” side to less than 750,000 voting “no.” Only one of Ireland’s 43 constituen­cies recorded a narrow “no” majority, Roscommon-South Leitrim in the boggy midlands.

Analysts credited the “yes” side with adeptly employing social media to mobilize young, firsttime voters, tens of thousands of whom voted for the first time Friday. In addition, a series of searing personal stories from prominent Irish people — either coming out as gays or describing their hopes for gay children — convinced voters to back equal marriage rights.

Both Catholic Church leaders and gay rights advocates said the result signaled a social revolution in Ireland, where only a few decades ago the authority of Catholic teaching was reinforced by voters who massively backed bans on abortion and di- vorce in the 1980s.

Voters first legalized divorce only by a razor-thin margin in 1995 and now, by a firm majority, they have rejected the Catholic Church’s repeated calls to reject gay marriage. Abortion, still outlawed, looms as the country’s next great social policy fight.

Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said the “overwhelmi­ng vote” against church teaching on gay marriage meant that Catholic leaders in Ireland need to urgently find a new message and voice for reaching Ireland’s young.

“It’s a social revolution. ... The church needs to do a reality check right across the board,” Martin said.

“Have we drifted completely away from young people?” he asked. “Most of those people who vot- ed ‘yes’ are products of our Catholic schools for 12 years.”

David Quinn, leader of the Catholic think tank Iona Institute, said he was troubled by the fact that no political party and only a half-dozen politician­s backed the “no” cause.

“The fact that no political party supported them must be a concern from a democratic point of view,” he said.

Fianna Fail party leader Michael Martin, a Cork politician whose opposition party is traditiona­lly closest to the Catholic Church, said he couldn’t in good conscience back the anti-gay marriage side.

“It’s simply wrong in the 21st century to oppress people because of their sexuality,” he said.

 ?? CHARLES MCQUILLAN / GETTY IMAGES ?? Thousands of people celebrate in Dublin Castle Square as the result of the referendum is relayed in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland is the first country to approve gay marriage in a popular national vote.
CHARLES MCQUILLAN / GETTY IMAGES Thousands of people celebrate in Dublin Castle Square as the result of the referendum is relayed in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland is the first country to approve gay marriage in a popular national vote.
 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A photo posted on a website used by the Islamic State shows the group’s flag flying over the town of Palmyra, Syria. The militants control the town, as well as its ancient temples, tombs and colonnades.
ASSOCIATED PRESS A photo posted on a website used by the Islamic State shows the group’s flag flying over the town of Palmyra, Syria. The militants control the town, as well as its ancient temples, tombs and colonnades.

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