The Palm Beach Post

88 percent of schools have shooter plan.


help, and making sure all students know it’s their responsibi­lit y to help keep their school safe.

“We do have cameras, but I truly believe that students are doing the right thing because they feel safe on campus, rather than they are doing the right thing because there may be cameras,” Ellsperman­n said.

Even before the Newtown killings, schools had been working more closely with local law enforcemen­t and ramping up other school security measures, said Ronald Stephens, executive director of the National School Safet y Center.

“I think something like Sandy Hook certainly punctuates the need to engage additional securit y strategies, but I re- ally see it as an ongoing trend,” he said.

Stephens said he believes the work has been a factor in a decrease in overall school crime.

The survey showed 65 percent of public schools reporting one violent incident in school, such as a rape, fight, robbery or threat of physical attack. That’s down from 74 percent in the 2009-10 school year.

The findings were based on a survey sent to school principals. Among the other results:

■ About 8 in 10 schools reported having a parent notificati­on system that automatica­lly notifies parents in case of an emergency, compared with about 6 in 10 schools four years earlier.

■ Slightly less than half — 47 percent — of schools reported having a system that allowed someone to report a crime anonymousl­y, compared with 36 percent four years earlier.

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