The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Police blotter


Oneida Police Department January 11, 2022:

Christophe­r J. Skinner, 35, of Durhamvill­e, was issued appearance tickets for aggravated unlicensed operation second-degree: DWI mandatory suspension, operating a motor vehicle w/out an ignition interlock device as required, unlicensed operator and operating an uninspecte­d motor vehicle.

January 12, 2022:

Elisee Desrosiers, 21, of Morrisvill­e, was issued an appearance ticket for aggravated unlicensed operation thirddegre­e.

Selina M. Smith, 34, of Munnsville, was issued an appearance ticket for criminal trespass third-degree.

January 13, 2022:

Angela C. Harrison, 34, of E. Syracuse, was arrested on an arrest warrant for three counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance seventh-degree, criminal use of drug parapherna­lia second-degree, criminal possession of a controlled substance third-degree: meth-intent to sell, two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance w/ intent to sell fifth-degree, criminal possession of methamphet­amines fourth-degree, criminal possession of narcotic drugs fourth-degree and criminal possession of narcotic drugs w/ intent to sell third-degree. She was arraigned in the City of Oneida court and remanded to Madison County Jail on no bail.

Conor G. Mahoney, 22, of Oneida, was arrested on an arrest warrant for criminal possession of a controlled substance fourth-degree: motor vehicle, burglary second-degree and petit larceny. He was arraigned in the City of Oneida court and remanded to Madison County Jail.

January 14, 2022:

Richard W. Miller III, 30, of Oneida, was arrested for grand larceny fourthdegr­ee and harassment second-degree. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t. In a separate incident this date, he was arrested for criminal mischief fourth-degree, criminal trespass second-degree and criminal contempt second-degree. He was again transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t. Scott P. Farley, 36, of Oneida, was issued an appearance ticket for petit larceny.

Chad M. Emmons, 33, of Oneida, was arrested on three separate arrest warrants for petit larceny as well as a charge of criminal possession of a controlled substance seventh-degree. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t. Jennifer E. Mudge, 36, of Munnsville, was arrested on a bench warrant for failure to appear on the charges of three counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance seventh-degree. She was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

Cody J. Miller, 28, of Oneida, was arrested on an arrest warrant for petit larceny. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 16, 2022:

Amanda E. Coonrod, 38, of Chittenang­o, was arrested on an arrest warrant for burglary third-degree and petit larceny. She was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t. She was also issued an appearance ticket for criminal possession of a controlled substance seventh-degree. Tammy A. Goodwin, 51, of West Eaton, was issued appearance tickets for aggravated unlicensed operation thirddegre­e, operating a motor vehicle w/ a suspended registrati­on and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Annmarie N. Hatch, 22, of Oneida, was arrested on a bench warrant for failure to appear on the charge of criminal possession of a controlled substance seventh-degree. She was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 17, 2022:

Michael J. Chamberlai­n Jr., 36, of Oneida, was issued an appearance ticket for criminal contempt second-degree.

January 18, 2022:

Kyley Eldridge, 33, of Oneida, was arrested for menacing third-degree, making a terroristi­c threat (D felony), obstructin­g government­al administra­tion second-degree and criminal mischief fourth-degree. She was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

Devin L. Shoen, 26, of Oneida, was arrested on an arrest warrant for assault second-degree. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 19, 2022:

Luciano M. Cinquemani, 36, of Oneida, was issued an appearance ticket for operating a motor vehicle w/ a suspended registrati­on.

Aaron M. Smith, 30, of Blossvale, was arrested on a superior court bench warrant for robbery third-degree and petit larceny. He was arraigned in Madison County Court and released on his own recognizan­ce. He was also arrested on a bench warrant for failure to appear on the charge of petit larceny. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

Peter T. Shenandoah, 31, of Oneida, was arrested on two separate arrest warrants. One was for petit larceny and the other was for failure to report a change of address as a sex offender (D felony). He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 20, 2022:

Richard W. Miller III, 30, of Oneida, was arrested for criminal contempt thirddegre­e. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t. John M. Woodcock, 38, of Verona, was

issued appearance tickets for using a motor vehicle without an ignition interlock device, moved from lane unsafely, Dwi;previous conviction w/in 10years (E felony), speed in zone, aggravated unlicensed operation firstdegre­e (E felony) and aggravated DWI (E felony).

Robert H. Hopkins, 30, of Oneida, was arrested on an arrest warrant for criminal possession of stolen property fifth-degree, burglary third-degree, petit larceny and criminal mischief fourth-degree. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 21, 2022:

Robert J. Zorn, 60, of Syracuse, was issued appearance tickets for DWI, DWI w/ a BAC > .08% and DWI w/ a BAC > .18%. Chad M. Emmons, 33, of Oneida, was arrested on an arrest warrant for grand larceny thirddegre­e. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 22, 2022:

Colton J. Stellakis, 22, of Bridgeport, was issued appearance tickets for refusal to take a

breath test, DWI, DWI w/ a BAC > .08%.

January 23, 2022:

Nathan J. Bedell, 27, of Canastota, was issued appearance tickets for aggravated unlicensed operation third-degree, unsafe tires, moved from lane unsafely and operating a motor vehicle w/ a suspended registrati­on. Kayla R. Hall, 20, was arrested on an arrest warrant for petit larceny. She was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

Casey M. Cooper, 34, of Canastota, was arrested on an arrest warrant for burglary thirddegre­e. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

Arthur I. Walker Jr., 47, of Oneida, was issued a criminal summons for harassment second-degree.

Jeffrey S. Mury, 53, of Cazenovia, was arrested for aggravated harassment second-degree. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 24, 2022:

Brandy M. Howlett, 37, of Canastota, was arrested for burglary third-degree and petit larceny. She was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

Michael F. Held, 37, of Lenox, was arrested on a bench warrant for failure to appear on the charge of petit larceny. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

January 25, 2022:

Tyler M. Atkinson, 23, of Oneida, was arrested on a bench warrant for failure to appear on the charge of unauthoriz­ed use of a motor vehicle. He was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t. He was also issued an appearance ticket for criminal possession of a controlled substance seventh-degree. Crystal L. Muldoon, 44, of Rome, was arrested on a bench warrant for failure to appear on the charge of petit larceny. She was transporte­d to Madison County Jail for centralize­d arraignmen­t.

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