The Oklahoman

Bibles in every fifth through 12th grade classroom?


State Schools Superinten­dent Ryan Walters announced on national television that starting immediatel­y, every public-school classroom in Oklahoma from 5th through 12th grade is to have a Bible in it, and teachers are to teach from it. He later published a statement that instructio­n will follow directing what is to be taught, “to insure uniformity.”

As a Bible believer (I have a theology degree from a Bible college), I love the Bible, but I’m absolutely appalled by this action by a school leader who has tried since his election to force his own agenda on schools.

Aside from whether or not Oklahomans might like the Bible in schools, as a practical matter, we can anticipate dozens, if not hundreds of lawsuits that our schools and government will have to defend, at a cost of millions of dollars that could have gone to improvemen­ts in schools as well as services to those in need or road and infrastruc­ture upkeep.

But on another level, the United States is composed of not only Christians, but those of many other faiths, or no faiths. I would be ashamed to force those parents to stand helplessly by as their children are being taught---in public schools that they support through their taxes---a religion they don’t embrace, even as I wouldn’t want my children to be indoctrina­ted in Islam or any other religion in school. Religion should be the responsibi­lity of parents, not schools!

The First Amendment to our Constituti­on states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishm­ent of religion, or prohibitin­g the free exercise thereof.”

— Ed Koonce, Mustang

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