The Oklahoman

• Food bank distribute­s record amount,

- By Harrison Grimwood Tulsa World

TULSA—Health officials have trapped a mosquito that tested positive for the West Nile virus.

As of Thursday afternoon, there have not been confirmed cases of t he virus in humans in Tulsa County, according to a Tulsa Health Department news release.

West Nile virus is typically transmitte­d between birds and mosquitoes, but the virus can be transmitte­d to humans. The illness caused by the virus is typically characteri­zed by a fever, headache, drowsiness, nausea and a rash.

The department' s seasonal campaign to trap and test the insects and guard against the spread of West Nile began in late April.

Health officials report that an often-asked question about the insect carriers of the West Nile virus is whether they can carry COVID-19. Global and national health officials report that there is no evidence that COVID19 transmit sin such a manner.

“COVID-19 is a respirator­y virus which spreads primarily through droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or t al ks, ” Tulsa health officials state in a news release. “Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like West Nile virus, so we strongly encourage t he use of insect repellent containing DEET to protect yourself.”

Mosquito es maybe plentiful this year as the spring has been wetter than normal. Residents are encouraged to empty containers that may hold stagnant water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding around their property.

The seasonal surveillan­ce of mosquitoes aims to find them, determine t heir population, what species they are and make risk assessment­s. July through October in Oklahoma are typically the highest risk months for exposure to West Nile virus.

Tulsa Health Department Vector Control Program Coordinato­r Scott Meador said that a positive test in a mosquito this early in the surveillan­ce is not an indicator of the virus' prevalence in the Tulsa region.

“We begin our surveillan­ce program in early May with the goal is to catch potential West Nile positive mosquitoes as early as possible,” Meador said.

“Our mosquito surveillan­ce program recently implemente­d new testing guidelines and has adjusted the initiation date of surveillan­ce and testing.”

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