The Oklahoman

Iran deal’s fate may rest on late European interventi­ons


WASHINGTON — The future of the landmark Iran nuclear deal hangs in the balance and its survival may depend on the unlikely success of last-minute European interventi­ons with President Donald Trump.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are to visit Washington separately later this month and, barring a sudden trip by British Prime Minister Theresa May, will likely be the last foreign leaders invested in the deal to see Trump ahead of his mid-May deadline for the accord to be strengthen­ed. Trump has vowed to withdraw from the 2015 agreement by May 12 unless U.S., British, French and German negotiator­s can agree to fix what he sees as its serious flaws.

Iran has said U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions would destroy the agreement and has threatened a range of responses, including immediatel­y restarting nuclear activities currently barred under the deal.

Negotiator­s met for a fourth time last week and made some progress but were unable to reach agreement on all points, according to U.S. officials and outside advisers to the Trump administra­tion familiar with the status of the talks. That potentiall­y leaves the Iran deal’s fate to Macron, who will make a state visit to Washington on April 24, and Merkel, who pays a working visit to the U.S. capital on April 27, these people said.

“It’s important to them and I know they’ll raise their hopes and concerns when they travel here to the United States in the coming days,” Mike Pompeo, the CIA chief and secretary of state-designate, told lawmakers on Thursday.

Pompeo’s testimony at his Senate confirmati­on hearing came a day after the negotiator­s met at the State Department to go over the four issues that Trump says must be addressed if he is to once again renew sanctions relief for Iran, officials said.

Those are: Iran’s ballistic missile testing and destabiliz­ing behavior in the region, which are not covered by the deal, along with inspection­s of suspected nuclear sites and socalled “sunset provisions” that gradually allow Iran to resume advanced nuclear work after several years, which are part of the agreement.

Two senior U.S. officials said the sides are “close to agreement” on missiles and inspection­s but “not there yet” on the sunset provisions.

“Malign” Iranian activities, including its support for Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, Syrian President Bashar Assad and Houthi Shiite rebels in Yemen, were dealt with in a separate session that ended inconclusi­vely, according to the officials, who like the outside advisers were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The two officials and two outside advisers said the missile and inspection­s issues are essentiall­y settled, but would not detail exactly what had been agreed or predict whether it would pass muster with Trump, let alone his new national security adviser John Bolton and Pompeo. Both men are Iran hawks and share the president’s disdain for the deal, which was a signature foreign policy achievemen­t of former President Barack Obama.

 ?? [AP PHOTO] ?? French President Emmanuel Macron, right, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel speak at a news conference, March 23 in Brussels.
[AP PHOTO] French President Emmanuel Macron, right, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel speak at a news conference, March 23 in Brussels.

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