The Oklahoman

One woman’s view on how to confront Islamic terrorism


CHRISTIANI­TY comes in so many flavors that no one is surprised by the wide gulf of beliefs between, say, adherents of Seventh Day Adventism and those of Roman Catholicis­m. Yet the West continues to view Islam as a united belief system.

It’s far from that. Therein lies a profound lesson in how to counter the violent extremism of some Muslims.

Terror on a London bridge this month was but the latest example of radical beliefs carried to an extreme. It’s not enough to say that most Muslims aren’t violent. American leaders, particular­ly those in the “tolerant” wing of politics, need a greater understand­ing of how Islamic beliefs have evolved.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali offers such an understand­ing in an insightful Hoover Institutio­n publicatio­n released March 22. Ali is a Somali-born Dutch-American activist and author. Her conclusion is that to battle Islamic terrorism, any American president needs the tools to “dismantle the infrastruc­ture” of dawa — which Ali described as activities by Islamists “to win adherents and enlist them in a campaign to impose sharia law on all societies.”

Dawa (also spelled dawah) is a component of what she calls “political Islam,” a distinct, radical and dangerous movement within the Islamic faith.

Donald Trump has set this country on a distinctly different path to battling terrorism than the one chosen by his predecesso­r. At times, Ali notes, Barack Obama seemed more worried about Islamophob­ia than about Islamic terrorism. In so doing, he put the country on a more dangerous road. The same is true of many European leaders, who continue to oversimpli­fy the radical Islamic threat.

Trump minces no words on the subject, but it’s not clear if he also doesn’t recognize the challenges presented by political Islam. Here is the crux of the problem, in Ali’s words:

“Political Islam rejects any kind of distinctio­n between religion and politics, mosque and state. Political Islam even rejects the modern state in favor of a caliphate. My central argument is that political Islam implies a constituti­onal order fundamenta­lly incompatib­le with the U.S. Constituti­on and with the constituti­on of liberty that is the foundation of the American way of life.”

Since 9/11, Ali posits, nearly $2 trillion has been spent on waging war and reconstruc­tion in Iraq, Syria, Afghanista­n and Pakistan. Some $3.6 trillion was spent on warfare and homeland security from 2001 through 2016. Despite the loss of more than 5,000 lives in the armed services of Western allies, political Islam is on the rise around the world.

Dawa isn’t the same as jihad. Instead, says Ali, it’s the “subversive, indoctrina­ting precursor to jihad.” Thus, tolerance for radicals who “merely” preach hate rather than crash aircraft into buildings is misguided and potentiall­y lethal.

Ali’s comprehens­ive list of recommenda­tions for countering dawa includes many items the tolerant class would find objectiona­ble. These include increased surveillan­ce, immigratio­n restrictio­ns and IRS targeting of dawa-supporting groups in this country.

It goes without saying that a belief system diametrica­lly opposed to the constituti­onal protection­s enjoyed by Americans will fight any crackdown using legal arguments based on those protection­s.

As political Islam continues to spread its poison, our leaders are eager to prosecute acts of violence but loath to mitigate the ideology that inspires those acts. Unless this changes, dawa-inspired jihadism will inspire many more incidents like the one on a London bridge this spring.

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