The Oklahoman

Sit down and discover the secret delight of poetry


Which is it?

In “Oklahoma ‘losing ground’ in college-degree production” (News, March 23), the first sentence states, “The number of college degrees conferred in Oklahoma has dropped along with state funding for higher education.” Yet five paragraphs later the article says, “The state surpassed the goal each of the first three years, but fell short in year four with only 98 additional degrees and certificat­es conferred.” The goal mentioned was 1,700 more degrees a year. The key word in my last sentence was “more” and the key word in the second quote is “additional.” While we may have lost momentum as the article states, the two quotes are in direct conflict. We cannot have both added degrees and had the number conferred drop.

Russia flip-flop

I’ve never seen any presidenti­al administra­tion so enamored by any country, friend or foe, as the Trump administra­tion is with Russia. This is a country that, except for a brief period during World War II, has made destroying America a pillar of its national policy. Russia still has dozens of submarines circling the globe armed with hundreds of nuclear-tipped missiles, all aimed at the United States. And now I find a large number of family and friends who just a few short years ago saw Russia as a threat to U.S. security now shrug their shoulders, wondering what all the fuss is about. Bizarre, absolutely bizarre.

Time to go

Tom Cole is a longtime Republican congressma­n whose time to step down has come. I went to high school with Cole and always looked up to him. He has become a part of the problem, as he is one of the establishm­ent hierarchy. He supported former House Speaker John Bohener and is seemingly alright in supporting Obamacare lite. He is seemingly on the wrong side of every conservati­ve issue that comes up. Cole’s comments always seem to come across as his constituen­ts really don’t understand the complexity of the issues, so he will vote for us in a way that will truly represent Oklahoma in a way that is acceptable to the rest of the country, no matter what we as a state or voting district approve. I want a congressma­n who cares what we think.

Enforce tag requiremen­t

We are now required to get a new license plate as the old ones were allegedly hard to see. I can go with that, but what about all the paper tags that are on vehicles currently being driven? Some you cannot read. Most of those tags are overdue. I don’t understand this flagrant disregard or why the vehicles in question aren’t being stopped and a citation issued or vehicle impounded. I see them every day, so I know others do as well. pril is Poetry Month, a painful reminder for some, who suffered under English teachers who made them write about the cherry tree wearing white for Eastertide or “The Love Song of J. Alfred Pruneface” by T.S. Eliot, that small dark cloud of a poet.

We all suffered under English teachers who forced us to pretend to be sensitive and to sigh with appreciati­on over the plums in the icebox so sweet and so cold, and that is why reading poetry aloud has been shown, time and time again, to be effective at breaking up gatherings of people. Many police department­s now use Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass” instead of pepper spray.

We resisted poetry in school because we could see that it is full of falsehood. Love is the star to every wandering bark, and many true minds have married who should have stayed friends. April is the cruelest month, March is. The best minds of our generation are starving, hysterical, naked — most of them are well-fed, calm, and stylishly dressed, thank you. Robert Frost’s little horse was absolutely right: it queer to stop without a farmhouse near, the darkest evening of the year. Dishonesty has given poetry a bad reputation. You see that uneven right margin and you think, “Oh boy, here we go again. Hallucinat­ionville.”

So I am not suggesting that you sit down and read poems for Poetry Month, but that you write your own poem for someone whom you dearly love.

Love is never easy to express. Rage is simple, loneliness, despair — a child could do it. And they do, especially preschoole­rs. But love is a challenge, especially for men.

Men are wired for combat, to bash the enemy into submission, and it’s hard to wipe the blood and gore off your hands and sit down and write, “O wondrous thou, the wonderment of these my happiest days, I lift my pen to praise thy shining beauty” and so forth.

But you can do it. The first step is: Imitate. Google “great love poems” and find one you like a lot and copy and paste it onto a blank page — Burns’ “My love is like a red, red rose” or Stevenson’s “I will make you brooches and toys for your delight” or Yeats’ “Wine comes in at the mouth and love comes

If you were very ambitious, you could take off from Shakespear­e’s famous Sonnet 29, “When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,” and rewrite that.

in at the eye” — and simply change the nouns, e.g. “My love is like a double bed” or “a trip to town,” “a vision pure,” “a red T-shirt”; “I will make you coffee and serve by candleligh­t”; “I come in the front door and love comes down from upstairs” — and then go on to plug in new verbs and adverbs, prepositio­ns. It’s like remodeling an old house.

If you were very ambitious, you could take off from Shakespear­e’s famous Sonnet 29, “When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,” and rewrite that. The first eight lines are about how dreary and hopeless you feel, the last six about how you feel exalted by her love. Simple. Keep the rhymes — “eyes, cries, state, fate, hope, scope, possessed, the great Midwest” — and replace the rest.

Write the poem in black ink on a sheet of white paper — poems should never be sent by e-mail and never never never text a poem — hand it to her and as she reads it, put one hand on her shoulder so that you’re right there when she turns with tears in her eyes to embrace you and forgive you for every way you’ve messed up her life. This is the power of poetry. Poets get the girl.

Football heroes get concussion­s or need hip replacemen­ts. My classmates who played football are walking with canes and moaning when they sit down and they find it hard to figure out the 10 percent tip at lunch. We poets go sashaying along, perpetuall­y 17, lost in wonder at the ordinary, astonished by streetligh­ts, in awe at lawn ornaments, bedazzled by baristas releasing steam into milk for the lattes.

This is what you learn during Poetry Month. You may lose the vote, fall into debt, suffer illness and remorse, feel lost in the crowd, and yet there is in language, everyday language, a source of such sweet delight that when you turn it to a good purpose, two gentle arms may reach around your neck, just as is happening to me right now, and a familiar voice speaks the words I long to hear and my heart is going like mad and yes, I say, yes I will Yes.


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