The Norwalk Hour

Norwalk Community College holds 60th graduation


Norwalk Community College held its 60th annual commenceme­nt Thursday at the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheat­er in Bridgeport.

The college also honored 60 of its alumni at the ceremony to commemorat­e the institutio­n's 60th anniversar­y.

“These 60 alumni embody the mission and values of the college and have used the knowledge they gained during their time at NCC and beyond to become successful in their chosen fields,” according to a statement from the college.

 ?? Brian A. Pounds / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? Graduate Van Thompsen holds a New York Mets cap over his heart during the singing of the national anthem at Norwalk Community College’s 60th annual Commenceme­nt Exercises at the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheat­er in Bridgeport on Thursday.
Brian A. Pounds / Hearst Connecticu­t Media Graduate Van Thompsen holds a New York Mets cap over his heart during the singing of the national anthem at Norwalk Community College’s 60th annual Commenceme­nt Exercises at the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheat­er in Bridgeport on Thursday.
 ?? ?? Haiti native Lina Borges addresses her fellow graduates as a class speaker Thursday.
Haiti native Lina Borges addresses her fellow graduates as a class speaker Thursday.

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