The Nome Nugget

Bycatch task force considers new rules, more research to protect Alaska fish intercepte­d at sea

As salmon runs falter and western Alaska villagers suffer, some worry that measures will be too incrementa­l and slow to provide meaningful help

- By Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon

In the search for a solution to the problem of bycatch, the unintended at-sea harvest of non-target species, the stakes in Alaska are high.

Now a special task force is nearing the end of a year-long process to find solutions that satisfy competing interests to the problem of bycatch, which refers to fish that are caught incidental­ly by commercial fishers who are targeting other fish. Many of the mostly Indigenous residents of western Alaska who depend on nowfalteri­ng salmon runs in the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers have said strict rules to reduce at-sea bycatch are needed to help alleviate a crisis. Disasters have been declared for these fisheries.

Serena Fitka, the executive director of the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Associatio­n who grew up in the Yup’ik village of St. Mary’s near the Bering Sea coast, said she has not been able to harvest river salmon for three years.

It’s not only about lost food, she told the task force at a meeting in Anchorage last Wednesday. “It’s also very important for rural communitie­s because it’s our culture, which includes mental, social consequenc­es,” she told the task force. “Every single person in our communitie­s relies on that salmon.”

Stakes are also high for the commercial industry and for communitie­s that depend on trawling, representa­tives said. Trawling is a term for fishing with a large, wide net that a ship drags, often to harvest groundfish near the sea bottom.

“I’m very sympatheti­c to what’s happening in the Bering Sea with salmon and subsistenc­e. But in the same token, I’m concerned for my own community that I live in,” Julie Bonney, executive director of the Kodiak-based Alaska Groundfish Data Bank, a group advocating for groundfish harvesters, told the task force. About 60 percent of the fish that crosses the docks at Kodiak, a major fishing port, is trawl-caught, she said.

“I want to see Kodiak prosper into the future. So trawling is an important component of the economics of the town that I live in,” she said.

The Alaska Bycatch Review Task Force, created by Gov. Mike Dunleavy last November, is due to release its final report by the end of next month. At least two additional meetings are to be held between now and then.

At Wednesday’s meeting, task force members reviewed and took public testimony on all the consensus recommenda­tions made by the group’s various committees, with a goal of agreeing on a final set of recommenda­tions to Dunleavy.

Possibly most striking is a draft recommenda­tion for a firm numerical cap on chum salmon taken as bycatch in the Bering Sea’s industrial-scale pollock trawl fishery, a measure that managers have been reluctant to take in the past.

In 2021, the Bering Sea pollock fishery – one of the world’s largest seafood harvests – netted about 540,000 chum salmon as bycatch, along with halibut, crab and other species. At the same time, western Alaska subsistenc­e fishers have been struggling with such poor returns that, at times, they have not been able to catch any fish. The runs of chum salmon, a species that is particular­ly important as food for Yukon and Kuskokwim villages, have been some of the lowest on record.

There are caveats on the chumcap recommenda­tion. Any cap must be “scientific-based,” and the recommenda­tion suggests a phased-in approach.

Related recommenda­tions are for

enhanced science on myriad potential threats to fisheries happening from the open ocean, where prolonged heat waves have ravaged various marine population­s, to the spawning grounds far inland in the upper Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers, where rising temperatur­es have been linked to increases in parasitic infections of salmon and to dieoffs from heat stress. Much of that research is underway, but some projects have limited funding or funding that is set to expire.

Scientists have pointed to climate change as a likely cause of the fish problems, but the task force is focusing on issues the state can more directly control.

A special focus of research is the role that Asian-origin hatchery fish play in bycatch and the overall health of Alaska salmon stocks.

Of the more than 540,000 chum salmon netted in 2021 by the pollock fishery as bycatch – a total that was twice the 10-year average – the vast majority were from Asian hatcheries, and less than 10 percent were of western Alaska origin, according to a genetic analysis by the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Any effective chum bycatch cap should be focused on preserving Alaska-origin fish – and therefore depends on better informatio­n about fish genetics, said task force member Doug Vincent-Lang, commission­er of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

“I don’t really care that much if we’re catching a whole bunch of Asiatic chums,” Vincent-Lang said of bycatch at Wednesday’s task force meeting. Lack of informatio­n was one of the reasons that the North Pacific Fishery Management Council declined in the past to establish a chum bycatch cap, said the commission­er, who is one of Alaska’s six members on that 11-member federal council. “If we’d instituted one, we may just be saving a bunch of Asian hatchery chum salmon,” he said.

Around three billion hatchery chum are now released annually into the North Pacific Ocean, and they may be overtaxing the resources and depleting food sources needed by Alaska-based salmon, according to some theories.

“They’re using the eastern Bering Sea as a pasturelan­d to fatten up and go back to Asia and to get caught,” Brent Paine, executive director of United Catcher Boats, a trade group of more than 60 trawlers, told the task force on Wednesday.

Though the science on the subject is preliminar­y, there is some evidence to back up the hypothesis. A 2012 study by the U.S. Geological Survey used modeling to find that a big increase in the population of adult hatchery chum was linked to a 72 percent decline of wild Norton Sound chum. A later study, published in 2018, considered all hatchery salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and found that about 60 percent of the chum salmon in the North Pacific between 1990 and 2015 was of hatchery origin, with Japanese hatcheries dominant.

To others, the Asian hatchery fish are proverbial red herrings.

Focusing on hatchery fish does not address the disproport­ionate nature of the suffering endured by western Alaska subsistenc­e fishers, said Lindsey Bloom of SalmonStat­e, another environmen­tal group. “The solutions that are being presented by the bycatch commission are not addressing the problem, which is equity,” she said.

“We see it as something that’s an injustice, something that’s unfair,” Martin Nicolai, a subsistenc­e fisherman from the Kuskokwim River village of Kwethluk, said in online testimony Wednesday. “It’s hitting our hearts. It’s hurting our hearts.”

As long as subsistenc­e fishers are denied access to salmon in their rivers, trawlers should face the same fate, he said. He called for a five-year moratorium on Bering Sea trawling. “As we are talking, the destructio­n is continuing,” he said. “You don’t need more studies and studies for decades and years.”

Western Alaska salmon runs are not the only concern of the task force. It is examining bycatch issues for all commercial­ly important fish, including crab and halibut, in both the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska.

Bycatch of crab in particular is gaining more attention because Bering Sea crab stocks have crashed. On Monday, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced that there will be no fishing allowed in the 2022-23 seasons for Bering Sea snow crab or Bristol Bay red king crab, two of the major Alaska crab harvests.

Among the recommenda­tions for the Gulf of Alaska is that trawl fisheries there be reformulat­ed into a quota-share system, which the industry refers to as “rationaliz­ation,” to encourage more careful harvest practices. Such quota systems are widely used for other Alaska fisheries, with shareholde­rs assigned predetermi­ned amounts of fish they are allowed to harvest over specific seasons. But the trawl fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska, which mostly target pollock, remain on a system that allows all permitted participan­ts to catch whatever amounts they can up to a total fleet cap, leading to what critics say is a dangerous rush to harvest. Defenders of the current system, however, argue that a switch to quota systems would erect more barriers to participat­ion by less-wealthy fishers.

Another Gulf of Alaska recommenda­tion is for full observer coverage on trawlers. That is a mandate in the larger Bering Sea fisheries, where NMFS-credential­ed observers are on board large vessels to monitor bycatch and other fishery practices. Opponents of a Gulf of Alaska observer mandate argue that it would be too expensive for that fleet.

Whatever the task force winds up recommendi­ng, there are worries that any resulting actions on bycatch will be too slow.

“The changes we’re experienci­ng in the ecosystem are occurring faster than our ability to respond,” said Lauren Mitchell, a Sitka fisher who is a member of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s advisory panel.

 ?? Nugget File Photo ?? FISHRACK— Fish dry on a fish rack outside of Nome.
Nugget File Photo FISHRACK— Fish dry on a fish rack outside of Nome.

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