The News-Times

Biden has ‘a lot on his hands’ — Trump

- By Linda Carlson Linda Carlson is an actress who lives in the Gaylordsvi­lle section of New Milford.

Well, now we have a new president. Although President Trump still thinks there was “fraud.” Evidently 70 to 80 percent of Republican­s still think there was something screwy about the election. According to The New York Times, Rudy Giuliani, one of the president’s lawyers, said, “It’s a fraud, an absolute fraud.” But in front of a federal judge in Pennsylvan­ia he said, “This is not a fraud case.”

President-elect Biden will have a lot on his hands after the inaugurati­on: the pandemic, the economy, climate change, immigratio­n and his enemies believing he was elected by fraud.

It wasn’t always this way. When I was young and going to the School of the Arts at NYU having two part-time jobs, we had the Vietnam War but demonstrat­ions were generally peaceful. Except for the one at Kent State where four students were killed and nine were injured. I went to one in New York after Kent State where I felt I must show up in order to be relevant, and found people were flirting instead of marching. Of course, there was oversteppi­ng by the military and the police, but with my working part-time, I wasn’t home for the news.

But the powers that be were nothing like we saw recently in Washington, D.C. — how they used tear gas to cleared the mall so President Trump could have a photo-op. Or in New York where the police have gotten a very bad grade on how they handled demonstrat­ions. And look what went on in Minneapoli­s after the killing of George Floyd, in Los Angeles, Philadelph­ia, Louisville, Seattle and in Memphis, among other places. President Trump threatened to deploy the U.S. military as a response to the unrest.

On June 4th, federal agencies put about 1.7 miles of fencing around the White House, Lafayette Square and The Ellipse. There was talk of Antifa terrorists.

This from a president who totally mishandled the coronaviru­s pandemic. Refusing to wear a mask, he ripped off the one they sent him with home from Walter Reed hospital as soon as he got in front of the microphone. He had gotten COVID; it may have cost him the election.

I don’t envy Joe Biden. He has to clean up the mess that is left from this president and implement the reversal of Trump policies, the diplomacy toward our friends, the setting boundaries for our enemies, restoring the health of the American people and restarting business and trade.

But when Biden takes over, what else will President Trump hand him? During the next 20-plus days will Trump start a war, parcel out the Alaskan wilderness, go even farther with his climate policy or drop an atomic bomb?

We must wait.

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