The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Democrats must tread carefully

- S.E. Cupp Columnist S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

When Republican­s threatened to call Hunter Biden, the embattled son of former

Vice President Joe Biden and walking political cautionary tale, as a witness for the impeachmen­t trial of President Trump, at least some Democrats seemed open to the idea.

So long as it meant Democrats got to hear from their dream witnesses — namely, former national security adviser John Bolton — it might just be worth it, they mused.

Sen. Sherrod Brown said just days ago that it would be “fine,” if the younger Biden, who sat on the board of a Ukrainian energy company for a reason likely rhyming with schmepotis­m, were called to testify because, “We take the position that we want to hear from the witnesses.”

Well, he might just get his wish. According to a Washington Post report, Democrats are now seriously considerin­g the trade-off: a Biden, either Hunter or even Joe, for a Bolton.

The reason, like so much to do with the impeachmen­t extravagan­za, has little to do with hearing actual new evidence and more to do with politics. According to the report, these Democrats believe having either Biden testify “could backfire on Trump and the GOP, giving Biden and the party a platform to strike back and paint Republican­s and the White House as obsessed with trying to damage one of Trump’s 2020 presidenti­al rivals.”

Democrats clinging should disabuse themselves of the notion. Bringing either Biden into the Senate chamber only makes political sense for Trump.

For starters, and with all due respect to Democrats, despite good intentions and mustering their entire arsenal of political tricks, this party hasn’t been able to do much of anything that has backfired on Trump. From the Mueller investigat­ion to this very impeachmen­t effort, Trump has not only found nefarious ways to survive the attempted takedowns, but he has made the gamble that they would hurt Democrats in the end. That remains to be seen, but there is one obvious and unsubtle piece of evidence that Trump is winning: He is still president.

Further, this promises to be a very, very bad exercise for the Bidens, and one in which I can’t imagine either are eager to participat­e.

For the younger, the warning signs are all around.

There was his first interview, in which he managed to admit his role at Burisma was both “a mistake” and likely the result of his last name.

There are also his latest personal scandals, which White House counsel and Republican­s will undoubtedl­y exploit to embarrass the elder Biden.

There’s also public polling that is very unsympathe­tic to Hunter. A majority of Americans say his role in Burisma was bad judgment, with half believing he should return the money he earned while there and 27% believing what he did was actually illegal. It wasn’t, but politics is perception.

For all these reasons, putting Joe Biden on the stand seems the safer bet. But that’s just as perilous.

Sen. Chris Coons, a Biden supporter, almost seemed to goad Republican­s into calling him, saying, “If you want to give Joe Biden an opportunit­y to sit in the well of the Senate and answer the question, ‘Do you think the president acted appropriat­ely?’ go right ahead. I can’t imagine a person more comfortabl­e in the well of the Senate than a man who spent 36 years here as a United States senator.”

Not so fast. For one, Biden will be sitting across from four of his current Democratic opponents, all of whom have their own reasons to injure the frontrunne­r, however stealthily. Some have already publicly criticized Hunter’s appointmen­t to the board, with Amy Klobuchar the most forceful, saying, “I can promise you right now my own daughter, who’s only 24, does not sit on the board of a foreign company, but that is not the issue. The issue here is what the president is doing.”

Biden is wisely trying to keep his distance from impeachmen­t, for all of the above reasons, but also because the Senate trial gives him a real advantage on the campaign trail. With some of his opponents sequestere­d for the next week or so, he gets Iowa, New Hampshire and everywhere else virtually to himself (and Mayor Pete). Why would he agree to give that up?

The bigger question is what will Democrats gain?

Public sentiment about impeachmen­t is largely cemented.

John Bolton is likely to do what every other witness has done and corroborat­e what we already know Trump did, which was to unlawfully use his office for his own personal gain. Trump has all but admitted to what he is accused of.

The truth is, no matter how skillfully the Democrats try to protect either Biden in a Senate trial, there’s only so much they can do to keep both from being damaged in the process. Bolton likely isn’t going to be worth the trade. Democrats should keep the Bidens far away from this car wreck and accept, at long last, that the only one who can hang Trump is himself.

For starters, and with all due respect to Democrats, despite good intentions and mustering their entire arsenal of political tricks, this party hasn’t been able to do much of anything that has backfired on Trump.

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