The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

This is what’s wrong with rush to accuse Israel of genocide

- Jonah Goldberg is editor-inchief of The Dispatch and the host of The Remnant podcast. His Twitter handle is @ JonahDispa­tch.

If I were a Palestinia­n struggling amid the rubble in Gaza, I would probably think Israel is committing genocide. If I were a German hiding in Dresden or a Japanese civilian outside Hiroshima in 1945, I’d probably feel the same way about the United States. But none of these amount to genocide.

Genocide has a specific definition, “the deliberate and systematic exterminat­ion of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.” The term was coined by Rafael Lemkin, a Polish Jew, in response to Winston Churchill’s observatio­n about the Holocaust: “We are in the presence of a crime without a name.”

In fairness, images of war, particular­ly of this war, can seem to indicate genocide. But in Gaza this stems in no small part from Hamas’ strategy. They cannot win, and will not fight, a convention­al war; Palestinia­n civilians don’t get bomb shelters, only Hamas fighters do.

The point remains: If supposedly all-powerful Israel has been bent on genocide, it’s oddly bad at it. According to the Palestinia­n Central Bureau of Statistics, the Palestinia­n population has grown more than eightfold since Israel’s founding, while the population of the Gaza Strip has increased 600% since 1960.

So maybe genocide was never Israel’s intent in the first place?

Of course, you can’t say the same about Hamas and Hezbollah. They’re open about their goal of eliminatin­g Israel.

Even denunciati­ons of Israel often undermine the genocide claim. Israel is condemned for inadequate warnings about attacks and insufficie­nt humanitari­an support to Gaza. But if genocide were the aim, why drop warning leaflets or provide aid at all?

Alas, it’s a sign of the times that absolving Israel of Hitlerite genocide counts as an outrageous defense of Israel. (It’s a bit like when I tell some of my fellow Trump critics that Donald Trump isn’t Hitler and they react like I’m rushing to his defense.) There’s plenty to criticize Israel about without resorting to genocide accusation­s. And plenty of very negative labels can be defensibly, or at least arguably, used to criticize Israel’s actions in Gaza — inhumane, excessive, wanton — without mischaract­erizing its intent.

The claim that Israeli policy toward Palestinia­ns is racist and genocidal is very old, with deep roots in Soviet propaganda along with Holocaust denial. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinia­n leader in the West Bank, wrote his doctoral dissertati­on on this garbage at Moscow’s Patrice Lumumba University. Vladimir Putin, whose war against Ukraine does fit the U.N.’s definition of genocide, has revived this tactic to distract and divide the West.

All this is worth noting, and not just to demonstrat­e the pretextual nature of the accusation and highlight the double standard applied to Israel at the U.N. and elsewhere. In recent years, American journalist­s have anguished over the problems of disinforma­tion in general and Russian disinforma­tion in particular. There was a related, robust debate over whether journalist­s should call Trump’s lies “lies.” But on any given day, politician­s, pundits and activists routinely accuse Israel of genocide, even “massive genocide,” with little to no pushback from the press. In fact, the opposite is more common. The press often leaps at allegation­s, often initially made by Hamas, that seem to confirm the genocide charge, only to have to backtrack later when the facts emerge.

Loose assertions of genocide have consequenc­es, none good. First, genocide is, understand­ably, one of those concepts that psychologi­cally arouses a sense of total moral authority in its opponents. Any form of resistance can be justified, which is why so many people have bent over backwards to justify or “contextual­ize” the horror of Hamas’ October 7 attack. It can even lead disturbed young men to set themselves ablaze to protest it — and for alleged lovers of peace to celebrate it.

Second, this mindset fosters collective guilt. Jews around the world, regardless of their attitudes towards Israel or Zionism, are being targeted for abuse and discrimina­tion simply for their alleged complicity in genocide. Many extremists subscribe to a moral tautology that says Israel is like Nazi Germany, and therefore if you support Israel, you’re akin to a Nazi, and since Jews support Israel, Jews, or “Zionists,” are fair game for all manner of harassment and exclusion.

Finally, if Israel is going to be accused of genocide regardless of its actions, it has that much less incentive to show restraint in its effort to defeat an enemy that is actually genocidal.

Indeed, it’s worth noting that those most loudly calling for a ceasefire to stop Israeli genocide often fall short of demanding that Hamas surrender. That would stop the “genocide” bloodshed-by-any-name tomorrow, but apparently that’s a bridge too far for those outraged by genocide.

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