The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Treatment authority considered

Officials ponder regional wastewater services

- By Heather Chapin hchapin@morningjou­

Lorain County officials are exploring the feasibilit­y of creating a regional wastewater treatment authority.

The purpose of the regional authority is to provide cost-effective wastewater treatment services that would benefit all potential tributary users, according to a news release issued by the Lorain County Board of Commission­ers.

County officials have contracted with external counsel to provide legal advice and support, the release stated.

In addition, officials have contracted with a consulting team to evaluate financial and technical feasibilit­y and provide recommenda­tions for considerat­ion.

County Administra­tor Jeffrey Armbruster has been working with the consulting firm as the project has been discussed, said Commission­er Michelle Hung.

The project goal would be to provide consistent, stable, equitable and cost-effective wastewater treatment rates, officials said.

The regional authority would streamline the permit process and provide greater capacity to meet future regulatory requiremen­ts and also would be more flexible and agile to allow expansion and provide wastewater treatment services to meet future customer needs, officials said.

“You have to look at all the pieces and parts, and if the communitie­s involved in it are going to want it,” Hung said. “It becomes a big project and certainly we don’t want to upset residents who don’t want it.”

Getting residents’ feedback will be an important part of the feasibilit­y study, she said.

The 2024 project goals include performing financial analysis to compare rate structures and capital project financing options as well as performing technical assessment to develop potential capital project costs and reaffirm previous recommenda­tion that the French Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant is the best alternativ­e for regional treatment facility, the release stated.

The French Creek

Wastewater Treatment Plant is owned and operated by the citizens of North Ridgeville and is located at 2350 Abbe Road in Sheffield Village, according to North Ridgeville’s website.

The plant serves North Ridgeville, Avon and Sheffield through main undergroun­d intercepto­r sewer lines, the website stated.

French Creek was built in 1975 by the Ohio Water Developmen­t Authoritie­s and was purchased from the state of Ohio by the city of North Ridgeville in 1983, according to the website.

Goals for the county include: developing a financial and operationa­l feasibilit­y model to provide informatio­n to support decision maker review and approval; drafting governance framework and providing support for any filing to form a regional wastewater district under Ohio law; and performing preliminar­y financial assessment­s in Lorain County facility planning areas to support potential future expansion scenarios, the release stated.

The explorator­y process will include working in conjunctio­n with local, state and federal entities, the release stated.

Planning and developmen­t is expected to continue through the summer months this year with anticipate­d operations commencing in 2027, the release stated.

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