The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Dr. King and character

The dis-content of one’s character

- Barbara R. Arnwine is president and founder of Transforma­tive Justice Coalition and Daryl D. Jones is board chair and executive vp of the coalition. They wrote this for InsideSour­

Today we pause to honor the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to interpret his words calling upon America to see the content of the character before judging anyone’s person.

On February 23, 2020, a 25-year-old African-American man lay dead in the street of a predominan­tly White neighborho­od near Brunswick, Georgia, killed by three White vigilantes. His crime: jogging in the streets of a White neighborho­od and looking into a house under constructi­on to see concepts of his dream to become an architect.

In 1955, a 14-year-old African-American boy comes to Money, Mississipp­i, for summer vacation with his extended family and is killed with a gin fan strung around his neck, wrapped in barbed wire, shot in the head and his body dumped in the Tallahatch­ie River. His crime: allegedly offending a White woman.

The disregard of the killers of the content of the character of Emmett Till is what drove Dr. King to wonder aloud about his children being judged, not by the color of their skin but by the substance of the character of their person. The content of Ahmaud Arbery’s character was also not known by the three White male vigilantes in Brunswick, Georgia, before they hunted him down in their neighborho­od, cornered him “like a rat” and blew his chest wide open so that daylight could be seen through his body.

America has made progress since the killing of Till and the acquittal of suspects by an all-White jury, without considerat­ion of his character, to the unpreceden­ted conviction of the three White vigilantes of Ahmaud Arbery’s killing by a jury of 11 whites and one Black in southeast Georgia. In evaluating the meaning of King’s words regarding his four children being judged not by their skin color but by the content of their character, it is important to first understand that one needs to see beyond the race of the Emmett Tills, beyond the race of the Ahmaud Arberys before judging them and their alleged acts.

At the most basic of foundation­s, it is absurd to say that Till and Arbery were not judged by the color of their skin before being killed. They were killed because of the lack of character in the White vigilantes and their preconceiv­ed prejudices prevented them from considerin­g Till or Arbery as worthy of positive character. Neither the content of Till’s character nor the content of Arbery’s character was considered before their executions. The question lingers, however, what King meant by not being judged by the color of one’s skin but the content of one’s character. We believe that the ugly thread of invidious prejudice and vicious racism runs so deeply in America that King was speaking of the pre-judgment made against the Tills of his lifetime, mirroring the prejudice against today’s Arberys, before any considerat­ion could be given regarding their character and who they were as citizens.

It is a diversiona­ry tactic to become entangled in the maze of the conservati­ve argument that race should not be considered in social, political and business settings. To fully embrace the conservati­ve philosophy of not deploying reparative strategies is to ignore the enduring physical and psychologi­cal chains of slavery; to ignore the laws permitting, nay requiring, discrimina­tion and devaluatio­n of Black people; to ignore banking laws that permitted red-lining to deny equal housing opportunit­ies to Black people; to ignore the continued state legislativ­e efforts to disenfranc­hise Black, Brown and other vulnerable voters; and to ignore denying qualified Black farmers federal funding but providing abundant federal government backed financial funding to White farmers (a practice that continues to this day) and then declaring, “Why can’t you keep up, there’s something amiss with your character.”

Unquestion­ably, as demonstrat­ed by the vigilante lynching of Till in 1955 to the vigilante shooting of Arbery in 2020, too often the color of one’s skin continues to dominate and dislodge considerat­ion of the content of one’s character in our nation’s financial, political and social discrimina­tion.

 ?? ?? Barbara R. Arnwine
Barbara R. Arnwine
 ?? ?? Daryl D. Jones
Daryl D. Jones

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