The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Try growing some transplant­s

- By Lee Reich

If you’ve never grown your own transplant­s for your garden, perhaps this is the year to do it. It’s economical, it allows you to grow varieties you might not be able to buy as transplant­s, it’s satisfying and it’s easy.

If you’re new to the transplant game, start with a flower or vegetable that’s relatively easy to raise from seed. Zinnia, calendula and cosmos are some of the easiest. Among vegetables, choose from among lettuce, kale, cabbage and — that most widely grown vegetable of all — tomato.

There are some vegetables which shouldn’t be grown as transplant­s. Beans, peas and okra fall into that category because the yield is small from each plant. For some other vegetables, such as carrots and parsnips, the roots don’t take kindly to being transplant­ed.

Better to hone your transplant-raising skills with a plant that really does need to be grown this way, such as tomatoes. In much

of the country, we need to start tomatoes indoors so the plants have enough time to ripen a decent yield out in the garden.


To get started with transplant­s, you’ll need a suitable container and soil. The container need not — should not — be too big, but does need to be 2 to 4 inches deep. Plastic yogurt containers

are good, even egg cartons (for “jumbo” eggs), and, of course, those cell packs in which your purchased transplant­s once lived. Perhaps you still have some lying around.

Most important is that any container have one or more holes in the bottom, so excess water can drain.

Garden soil, even good garden soil, is not suitable because it doesn’t drain

quickly enough in the confines of a container. If you have little experience raising transplant­s, buy a potting mix. It will have the drainage material mixed in.

Fill the containers with the potting mix and firm it down. Not too much, though.

Then sow seeds, 3 or 4 per container or cell, as insurance. Do this by poking a hole a few times the thickness of a seed into the mix, and drop in the seed. Smooth over the potting mix to cover the seeds, and firm it again.

Water the container by standing it in a pan with water reaching about half as high as the height of the container. After a few hours, lift the container up out of the water.

Seeds need warmth to germinate, the amount varying with the kind of seed. A good average for just about all seeds is about 75° F.

Most seeds don’t need light to germinate. So a suitable place is almost anywhere in your home. Some refrigerat­ors are warm on top; that could be a suitable place. Same for near a radiator. A thermostat­ically controlled seed mat offers more control.

To keep moisture from evaporatin­g from your container, cover it with a pane of clear glass or plastic, or enclose the container in a plastic bag.

The excitement begins

Now for the exciting part, waiting to see little, green sprouts. Remove all but the sturdiest sprout from each container or cell, being careful not to disturb the roots of the sprout that remains.

Your goal now is to grow sturdy, stocky transplant­s that can tolerate a move to the great outdoors. For this, you need abundant light and cooler temperatur­es. Even tomatoes, a summer vegetable, grow best as transplant­s with temperatur­es in the 60s.

A sunny, south-facing window works well, especially if it’s in a cool room. Rotate the plants daily so they grow uniformly, rather than one side always bending towards the light.

Be careful not to overwater or underwater. The ideal for stocky growth is keeping plants just slightly underwater­ed.

In four to six weeks, most transplant­s should be two to three times the height of their containers, stocky and ready for the outdoors. Or almost ready. Acclimate them to their future environmen­t with a week of being outdoors somewhere shielded from the full brunt of sun, wind and cold. Then plant them in the garden.

 ?? LEE REICH VIA AP ?? After three or four weeks, these lettuce plants will fill their “cells” and be ready to transplant outdoors in the garden.
LEE REICH VIA AP After three or four weeks, these lettuce plants will fill their “cells” and be ready to transplant outdoors in the garden.

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