The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that matters most


Once, I heard a story about a gorgeous, stately tree. With open, airy and tall, free-flowing branches and adorned with willowy, green leaves, the tree made an elegant statement. The aura it exuded was impressive. It was one of the most splendid, grand and remarkable trees among the landscape.

Through the years, the magnificen­t tree overlooked children playing beneath it. People often had picnics under the glorious tree. And many sat on a blanket and relaxed under its superb shelter.

The majestic tree was home to various types of birds. They built their nests and even hatched their precious eggs within the luxurious leaves and graceful, sweeping branches.

“This tree is very useful,” and “it’s so grand,” those who frequented it said clearly. Each time voices elaborated those kind compliment­s, the tree was delighted.

But, as time went on, the tree began to not feel well. Its lush leaves became thin. Twisted by the sometimes strong winds of the storms, the tree was not as stately. The branches were dry. So birds didn’t seem to build their nests there anymore. People did not visit as much or sit under the tree for shelter. The tree began to feel unworthy. A wave of terror washed over the tree, as the prominence that the tree once had appeared to be fading away.

Pausing to gather its strength, the tree called out, “God, why is this happening?” A million sad thoughts ran through the tree’s mind. “I’m lonely,” “I am not valued,” and “No one is coming close to me anymore,” it sighed, and it prayed for help.

The tree dreamed of the day when it would be needed again. It wanted to stand tall; it longed to be appreciate­d, to have a purpose and to be around those who loved it. Yet, day by day, nothing changed, and the tree felt worthless and inadequate. “I have nothing to offer anywhere,” it uttered, drearily and discourage­d.

Tears ran down its dried-out tree trunk, and the tree sobbed loudly, “Just cut me down, so I don’t have to bear this suffering.” Panicked at what its voice was saying, the tree felt its best days were over and done.

Maybe you’re going through a difficult season of life. Or you could feel that somewhere along the way, you’ve lost your value and worth.

Then, I wonder how many of us are conditione­d to believe the same thing; that our best days have passed.

But don’t ever doubt yourself and what God can do for your future. Soon, you’re going to move past difficult situations. Don’t lose hope. In an instant, God’s hand will move. And circumstan­ces will turn around for your great good.

Well, the next season came, and the tree was still sad and lonely. However, early one morning the tree heard a familiar sound. It perked up. It was the song of a bird. A few minutes passed, as the tree listened closely. “Chirp, chirp…” it heard. Quickly, the tree realized the chirping was from a newly hatched baby.

Before long, the tree was bustling with three new baby birds. Thereafter, other amazing birds flew to the tree to build new nests. Daily, there were countless types of birds that visited, and the tree was happy with their sweet presence. Moreover, other trees began to sprout up around it, and the tree had a renewed sense of purpose. The tree wasn’t lonesome anymore. And its heart was overflowin­g with joy.

The point of this fictional story is the tree thought it had lost its value. It assumed that its dreams were over, and there was nothing in the future for which to look forward. Yet, God was still at work in the tree’s life. And God is working in every area of your life as well

No matter how difficult your situation seems to be, God sees your value and potential. So never belittle yourself. Perhaps what happened to you wasn’t right or fair, yet God still has a great purpose for you. It’s not over. You’re not finished or all washed up. Be patient with yourself. There are many options for you. Your life is still full of countless possibilit­ies. You’re one-of-a-kind, and you are worthy of success and happiness. So, think bigger, be bolder and pursue the impossible. God has every intention of bringing your dreams to pass. And what God has in store for you will amaze you. So keep helping others. Offer loving words and kind actions to those with which you come into contact. Show affection. Tell people how much you care. Focus your thoughts on all of the good things and people you have in your life. And always be grateful for all that God has done for you in the past. Then, only expect God’s goodness for your future.

It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that matters most. A while back, I received a letter from a reader who told that despite all the good things in his life, this man felt like a complete failure with nothing to live for. “My mom passed away a few years ago. But she had always followed you in the press,” he wrote. The man described that he was praying to God for guidance. A short while later, coincident­ally, he was looking through a box of his Mom’s belongings. She had some papers in a book. He looked at the papers, and they were some of my past columns. So he began to read them

“I want to let you know that while many times it’s difficult to know if what we do is truly helpful or is helping anyone at all, what you do does help. In this case, you made a difference for my Mom and have indirectly offered me some bolstering via these older articles you wrote.”

God used faded columns to remind this man of God’s great love and faithfulne­ss. And I hope He uses this column to remind you of His love and faithfulne­ss as well.

Deuteronom­y 1:11 states, “May the God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as He hath promised you.”

My prayer for you today, dear readers, is that you have a thousand times more peace, a thousand times more wisdom and a thousand times more joy. You are special. God has blessings in your future. For I know that as you are blessed, you will then be a blessing!

 ??  ?? Catherine Galasso Vigorito
Catherine Galasso Vigorito

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