The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

War of the words

- Contact Paul Greenberg at pgreenberg@arkansason­ Paul Greenberg Columnist

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

It is one of the more familiar passages in English literature, and one phrase in John Donne’s poem lent itself to one of Ernest Hemingway’s bestseller­s: “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” which would not sound right without the Whom. Yet when users of Twitter click open their home page, there is the ungrammati­cal, inelegant and annoying guide telling the user “Who to follow.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, Thomas Steiner, an engineer who works for Google in Germany, is one of the few who objects to such a barbarism. Leave it to a correct German not only to object to this latest deteriorat­ion of the English language but to correct it by devising a browser plug-in that’s available— free! — to those who care about the basically Germanic hybrid that has come to be known as English.

It was one thing for the Ghostbuste­rs in the movie to adopt the phrase “Who ya gonna call?” in its theme song because the spoken and even sung tongue quite appropriat­ely deviates from the written one. Just as there is a place for dialect even on the printed page. But to write instructio­ns in it is, or should be, unacceptab­le to people who care about the language, which has had its ups and downs since its high point in the early 17th century, and this is not one of its finest hours.

Quick, James T. Harding to the rescue! Much like a one-man version of Ghostbuste­rs hurrying to the site of a slimy manifestat­ion in order to defend truth, justice and the American way with words. Mr. Harding is a British scriptwrit­er and logophile who can remember going through music videos as a teenager in order to correct their soundtrack­s. That’s when he founded the Grand Order of the Whomic Empire, whose flowering he has overseen until today it’s become the worldwide Whom Appreciati­on Society, may it live long and continue to prosper.

Ben Yagoda professes English and journalism at the University of Delaware, though the two should never be confused, let alone combined. He speaks a fluent Twitterese, as Discerning Reader will immediatel­y appreciate — and apprehend — from what he said in defense of using Who in place of Whom when it comes to instructio­ns about how to use Twitter, a medium that scarcely seems aware that the word Whom still exists. Brother Yagoda tells the Journal that if saying “Who to follow” is bad language, “it would be worse to say ‘Whom to follow.’ It’s so stilted. I mean, here you are on social media with all these exclamatio­n points and whatever.”

Free translatio­n: When in Rome, do as the barbarians do. Professor Yagoda’s use of the word or rather the meaningles­s sound “whatever” is a sure tipoff that he’s joined the inarticula­te or the just plain lazy when it comes to language, or maybe thought itself.

Sad to say, the esteemed Calvin Trillin — who remains articulate even when defending the inarticula­te — has signed on with those who favor Who over Whom in this war of the words. “As far as I’m concerned, ‘whom’ is a word that was invented to make everyone sound like a butler.” Which wouldn’t be an altogether bad thing, for butlers perform a needed service in this unbuttoned and, alas, all too unbutlered age even if they occasional­ly use Whom where Who would be the better choice. Mr. Trillin’s snide comment reveals not only a contempt for proper language but proper manners. Abusing the help is one form of snobbery people of good breeding abjure, not embrace. And more snobs We the People don’t need just now, or at any other time.

It would be better to follow the lead of Doctor Whom, a grammatica­lly immaculate TimeLord who’s the creation of one Adam Roberts, who is (a) a talented science-fiction writer, (b) professor of 19thcentur­y literature at the University of London, and (c) an advocate of a zero-tolerance approach to parodictat­ion. Or as he told the Journal, “I’m a grammar pedant in a lightheart­ed way. There’s a difference between being a grammar Nazi and a Nazi.” He likes using Whom when it’s correct because “there’s just something elegant about it.” Another term for that elegance is good taste, which all should be able to afford no matter what their station in life.

Women know. A few years ago, Wired magazine conducted a poll of dating sites on the Internet like and OKCupid to determine what made someone a desirable date. It found, among other things, that men who used Whom rather than the common Who had a much better chance — a 31-percent better chance, to be more precise — than those who stuck with the plebeian Who in all circumstan­ces. “This changes everything!” commented the writers of the University of Pennsylvan­ia’s usually highly proper Language Log, who clearly have not lost their sense of humor. “It’s not just about the inflection­al marking of relative and interrogat­ive pronouns any more, people. It’s about getting more sex.”

Still, it’s a safe wager that it’ll be a long time before legal and other documents begin with the linguistic abominatio­n, “To who it may concern:” For which some of us are most grateful.

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