The Morning Call

Nuyent finds life lessons in travel

- By Jae-Ha Kim For more from the reporter, visit

Just three days after he finished documentin­g Epik High’s concert at Coachella, photograph­er-musician Isne Bobo Nuyent was back home in Los Angeles doing a Zoom interview to promote his latest pop-punk single “No More Talking” (­ing).

A versatile photograph­er who has worked with the Jonas Brothers and Eric Nam, Nuyent said “No More Talking” was inspired by a breakup with his ex-girlfriend. He also has a more introspect­ive song that deals with depression, isolation, and this seemingly never-ending pandemic. “Space in the Room” is slated for release later in May, which is not only Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, but also Mental Health Awareness Month. Follow Nuyent on Instagram @bobo. xxndigo.

Q: At what point in your life did you start to really travel? A:

After high school, I traveled a lot with my friends. Then I went to community college and wasn’t doing very well and didn’t want to go back. So, my dad pretty much said, “If you’re not going to go to school, go do something. Go travel. You need to train your mind and understand other people and cultures and what they go through. So go travel.” He really pushed me to travel the world. I pretty much took the money I had for community college and spent a couple weeks in New York. I went to Korea for about four months, Thailand, Japan, everywhere. Traveling really taught me how to connect with people. I love it.

Q: That’s really interestin­g, because not all parents would view traveling as a learning experience. A:

Don’t get me wrong, they pushed me to continue my education for the longest time. But I had a sit-down with them and said, “It’s just not for me. I do martial arts, I’m creative, I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, but trust me that something will work out.” I’m lucky because my father is a painter and a poet, so he’s very artsy and understood me. His last name is Nguyen, but he wanted me to have my own legacy, so he created my last name for me. He wanted me to be an original.

Q: I know your father settled in Long Beach after leaving Vietnam in the 1 9 7 0 s. What was your childhood in California like? A:

I grew up in San Mateo and there were a lot of white people. There were also a lot of Black people and Tongans. I always had to prove myself as the Asian guy. I had to mentally prepare for all the attacks. I always had to have jokes on hand to combat them. I had to be better than them at sports. I had to be better at rapping when we would all cypher. It was hard growing up, but I think that’s also what shaped me into being such

a fighter and being able to chase all these things that I want in my life. If I’m not good enough now, I have to keep fighting.

Q: Do you travel well with others? A:

Yes! When you’re on tour, you’re on a bus with a lot of other people for months, you have to adapt. But I love it. Even when I was younger, I would pick up the best habits of each individual I took a trip with. I stayed in a lot of hostels then because I didn’t have much money at the time. When

you have a group of friends and you go together, and you meet other people along the way and hear everyone else’s perspectiv­es, it almost doesn’t matter where you are. All those different lifestyles really taught me how to adapt to what I’m doing right now. I give a lot of credit to traveling, which prepared me to get along with so many people from different cultures in a work setting.

 ?? LJ KIM ?? When college didn’t work out for musician/photograph­er Isne Bobo Nuyent, he found education in his travels.
LJ KIM When college didn’t work out for musician/photograph­er Isne Bobo Nuyent, he found education in his travels.

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