The Morning Call

How to transport pets while moving

- By Cathy M. Rosenthal Cathy M. Rosenthal is an animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert. Send your questions, stories and tips to Please include your name, city and state. You can follow her @cathymrose­nthal.

Dear Cathy: I am desperatel­y hoping you can provide some guidance on how to get two cats transporte­d over 600 miles away from our current home. We are seniors moving to a retirement community. The drive will be too long for us, so we are trying to figure out how to transport our two scaredy cats. Our vet was not able to provide us with options for separate transport. The thought of each of us carrying the cats on a plane is daunting. One cat is large, and I don’t know if he’s too big to carry on. Cargo is a bad option. Just getting them into carriers for the vet is difficult. I’ve researched separate transports but there are so many out there, and we just don’t know where to start and who to trust. These two adopted boys are part of our family so we wouldn’t think of giving them up. Can you give us any guidance please!

— Lisa, Huntington Station, New York

Dear Lisa: So glad you are moving and keeping your pets! My first recommenda­tion is to bring them into the airplane cabin with you. I know it can seem daunting, but it’s actually much easier to bring them with you than to transport them on a separate transport plane. Call several airlines to discuss their protocols and exact measuremen­ts for the space where the cats will need to be placed.

It’s also possible first-class seating might give your felines extra space, so ask them about that option as well. Then see if your cat will fit in the size kennel they recommend. Your cat should be able to move around in the kennel comfortabl­y.

If that doesn’t work, you have two other options. Option one: A family member could drive them, but 600 miles is a long way, and a lot can happen during the trip. But if you know someone you can trust, it is a reasonable option. But option two will shorten their trip. You can book them on a transport plane just for pets. I don’t know any of these services personally but look them up by searching on the internet for “pet transport services cross country,” and finding one that will fly from New York to your destinatio­n. Then read as many reviews about the company as possible. Those reviews will give you lots of insights into who to choose for transporti­ng your cats. Then call them and talk to them and walk through the process with them. If you find a company with a lot of four- and five-star reviews and talking with them makes you feel comfortabl­e, then you will know you found your transport service. Time your flights so you can pick them up yourself from the airport.

Dear Cathy: I enjoyed your advice about pet safety in cars. I would like to add some further advice. I worked in a veterinary hospital for many years. The veterinari­an would always advise pet owners that they should not allow their dogs to have their heads out an open car window when moving. Bugs, (flying) objects, etc. can hit your dog’s eye and do a lot of damage. Furthermor­e, years ago, I was following a car and noticed a dog hanging out the car window. When the driver went around a sharp bend, the dog fell out onto the road and broke its leg. I also heard a veterinari­an tell dog owners they should not give their dog bones because they can splinter and cause intestinal problems. When they asked what animal bones were safe to give their pets, he responded, “dinosaur bones.” We love our pets and want them to be safe.

— Gloria, Connecticu­t

Dear Gloria: That’s funny what he said about dinosaur bones. I am sure he has seen his fair share of cases where bones had splintered and caused damage. I don’t give my dog bones of any kind because he likes to swallow things whole or at least in big chunks and that can be next to impossible to pass through his system. I am even hesitant to give him dental chews because of his all-or-nothing chewing behavior.

As for hanging their heads out of car windows, dogs may enjoy it, but it’s not safe at all. It means the dog is not secure in the vehicle and a sharp turn as you saw, or even an accident, can eject the dog from the vehicle.

It’s scary enough to be in an accident, let alone an accident with a pet in the car. It’s important to keep them safe.

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