The Morning Call

Let injustice in your life be wiped out through God’s Love

- Linda Perron Linda Perron is a Reader at First Church of Christ, Scientist, 3020 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown, with Reading Room at 86 E. Broad St., Bethlehem, online at: christians­ and­SChurch

Have you ever felt you have been unjustly treated? Maybe you didn’t get the job you should have. Maybe a friend or relative turned against you. Maybe you contracted a disease or had an accident. Maybe war wreaked havoc on your life. You feel you didn’t deserve this. Have you noticed yourself getting more and more upset, but nothing gets rectified?

Why let someone or some situation ruin any of your life? In Psalms 121, we read, “The Lord is thy keeper. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” If we turn from our feelings of injustice and recognize the ways in which God cares for us, we begin to get our joy back. We begin to expect good to happen. This is like turning from darkness to light. We

begin to see possibilit­ies. We begin to have good experience­s. Soon we are better off then before the injustice. It works. Try it! It works because God is love, and, if we admit this fact, the injustice, which is not from God, fades away and we are enveloped in all that love, God, provides — comfort, compassion, forgivenes­s, happiness, hope.

Here’s an example of what I’m saying: Several years ago, my brother spent a year gathering data to write his dissertati­on. One day he called me in desperatio­n and despair from Kenya, where he was doing his research. He had discovered that someone else had just submitted a dissertati­on on the exact same thesis as his. This meant that he would have to start all over again. Furthermor­e, he would lose his grant and have to come home. I felt such compassion for him. Then I said, “Well we know that God is a good God. He would not have given you this opportunit­y to do research and then have taken it away from you. He will take you all the way.” From past experience he knew this was true. We ended the call and I felt his hope had been renewed.

Mary Baker Eddy, discoverer and founder of Christian Science, says in her book “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” that “Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels in order that His purpose may appear.” That is exactly what happened for my brother. God gathered unformed thoughts together for my brother. Half a year later, his dissertati­on was published, and he had begun a very long and successful career. He had found that he was able to reword his thesis and use nearly all the data he had collected. His grant had been extended and he was able to complete his research. God, who is mind, had supplied the right ideas, as he always does if we listen.

When we allay the fear and anger at perceived injustice, we are able to see what God is unfolding of his goodness. When the fear and anger is gone, sickness is healed, job opportunit­ies appear, relationsh­ips are restored, new channels for our lives evolve. When a small sapling is yanked out of the ground and thrown aside, it does not give up. It puts down roots in its new situation and unfolds into a thing of beauty and utility, stronger because of its struggle to survive. This is true for us, too. If we leave the injustice behind and put down roots in our new situation, God’s ideas unfold to us.

So, leave the fear and anger behind, put down your roots and unfold. God’s love is always just at hand. We have only to turn our thinking around and accept the good He has for us.

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