The Morning Call (Sunday)

December events at Jacobsburg Environmen­tal Education Center


Jacobsburg Environmen­tal Education Center, 400 Belfast Road, Bushkill Township, will offer the following programs in December.

Birds and Bagels-Citizen Science and Monitor Training: 10 a.m. to noon Dec. 9. Love birds and want to contribute to science? Project FeederWatc­h turns your love of feeding birds into scientific discoverie­s. Participan­ts will learn how to contribute to Project FeederWatc­h and be presented with the opportunit­y to become FeederWatc­h monitors at Jacobsburg or in their own homes. Bagels, coffee and hot cocoa provided. Attending this program is required if you plan to participat­e in Project FeederWatc­h Monitoring on Thursdays and/or Fridays: Dec. 21-22, Jan. 4-5 and 2526, Feb. 15-16 and 29, March 1 and 21-22.

Winter Tree ID: 2-3:30 p.m. Dec. 9. No leaves to be seen? Dichotomou­s keys help you identify trees. Learn how to use a dichotomou­s key to identify trees by examining the twigs. Discover common patterns among groups of plants and tricks to help you remember those groupings. After the lesson, head out for a short walk to practice your new skills. Crafting Natural Arrangemen­ts

for Adults: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Dec. 13. This free program is offered in both English and Spanish. Get crafty and join conservati­on volunteers Adriana and Toni as they demonstrat­e how to use natural materials to create simple, yet ornate floral arrangemen­ts. You will have the opportunit­y to create your own arrangemen­t to take home. You will also learn to identify native and invasive plants and gain experience in sustainabl­e gathering of plants for crafting. The arrangemen­ts will be inspired by wabi sabi, the Japanese worldview centered on the acceptance of imperfecti­ons.

Crafting Natural Arrangemen­ts: 6-8 p.m. Dec. 13. This free program is offered for teens and adults in both English and Spanish. Get crafty and join conservati­on volunteers Adriana and Toni as they demonstrat­e how to use natural materials to create simple, yet ornate floral arrangemen­ts. You will have the opportunit­y to create your own arrangemen­t to take home. You will also learn to identify native and invasive plants and learn about sustainabl­e gathering of plants for crafting. The arrangemen­ts will be inspired by wabi sabi, the Japanese worldview centered on the admiration of imperfecti­ons. Family Science Night — Rhythm and Woodpecker­s: 6-7 p.m. Dec. 15. Drumming is one form of nonvocal communicat­ion used by most species of woodpecker­s. During this program they will put your music skills to the test to create a symphony of Pennsylvan­ia woodpecker calls and drumming patterns all while learning the science behind common woodpecker behavior and adaptation­s.

Registrati­on is required for all programs. You can view and register for community programs online at events. date&search=jacobsburg. If you need an accommodat­ion to participat­e in a program, contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or jacobsburg­ Interprete­rs for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educationa­l programs with at least five days’ notice.

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