The Morning Call (Sunday)

‘A significan­t step forward’

Former Nazareth wrestler leaves hospital for rehabilita­tion

- By John Misinco

The long road to recovery for former Nazareth state champion wrestler Sammy Sasso has taken another step forward.

Sasso, who was shot last month during a carjacking near the Ohio State campus, was released from a hospital and transferre­d to a rehabilita­tion center, according to a post Friday by his mother on the family’s GoFundMe page.

He had been hospitaliz­ed ever since the Aug. 18 shooting, which damaged his colon and caused nerve damage to his spine. He spent several days in intensive care before he was transferre­d to an acute care unit.

“Today marks a significan­t step forward in Sammy’s journey,” Lorraine Sasso wrote. “His condition has been closely monitored over the past two weeks while awaiting test results to determine the next steps.”

Sammy Sasso is having to learn to walk again following the shooting, but is making progress, his mother said.

“Sammy is currently able to walk a short distance with the assistance of a walker, however there is still a long road ahead of him,” Lorraine Sasso wrote.

Lorraine Sasso said her son was hospitaliz­ed longer than expected due to complicati­ons that arose from his colon surgery.

Sasso’s family launched a GoFundMe for his recovery shortly after the shooting. As of Saturday morning, it has raised $139,500, exceeding its goal of $100,000.

Two teens — a 16-yearold boy and a 15-year-old girl — have been charged in the shooting and carjacking, Columbus police announced Aug. 29.

Sasso is a two-time Big Ten champion and two-time runner-up in the NCAA Championsh­ips at Ohio State. He was a fifth-year senior last year, with one year of eligibilty left.

At Nazareth Area High School, he was a two-time PIAA wrestling champion.

 ?? CHRIS KNIGHT/SPECIAL TO THE MORNING CALL ?? Former Nazareth wrestler Sammy Sasso.
CHRIS KNIGHT/SPECIAL TO THE MORNING CALL Former Nazareth wrestler Sammy Sasso.

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