The Morning Call (Sunday)

Pharmaceut­ical innovation is winning the war on COVID-19

- By Doug Badger Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency LLC.

As the COVID-19 vaccines show, pharmaceut­ical innovation provides the best hope of ending the pandemic. Unfortunat­ely, the Biden administra­tion is launching what amounts to a federal assault against such innovation.

That assault will take the form of federal price controls on prescripti­on medicines. When the House of Representa­tives attempted to impose such controls in 2019, the White House Council of Economic Advisers said it could result in as many as 100 fewer drugs entering the market over the next decade.

Administra­tion sources say the next phase of the Biden platform will likely include drug price control provisions similar to those the House passed that year on a party-line vote. The measure died in the Senate, which the GOP then controlled.

President Joe Biden plans to revive it. His proposal is expected to follow the House bill in setting an “upper price limit” for cutting-edge medicines based on prices set by foreign government­s. Those prices, however, are one reason that citizens of those countries lack access to cutting-edge drugs that Americans take for granted.

The Health and Human Services secretary would then seek to “negotiate” prices below that limit. The government would impose prices resulting from these “negotiatio­ns” throughout the U.S. economy.

A manufactur­er refusing to negotiate the price of a product would incur an excise tax of up to 95% of the revenues it derived from that product in the preceding year.

In its December 2019 report, the CEA estimated that the bill would reduce the pharmaceut­ical industry’s revenue by anywhere from $500 billion to $1 trillion over the next decade. They also noted that pharmaceut­ical companies spend about 15% to 20% of revenues on research and developmen­t. That suggests that price controls would cut R&D spending by $75 billion to $200 billion over the next decade.

A company spends an average of $2 billion on R&D for every drug it successful­ly brings to market. Much of that spending is on failed projects.

If drug price controls along the lines of the 2019 House bill were to reduce R&D by $200 billion over the next 10 years, the CEA concludes, the industry will introduce as many as 100 fewer products in that span.

What difference would that make? According to the CEA, Americans would be less healthy and less economical­ly productive. The $34.5 billion in annual savings that the federal government would realize from price controls would reduce annual economic output by $375 billion to $1 trillion, imposing a cost to society 10 to 30 times the federal savings.

Imagine our society without

COVID-19 vaccines. Had the U.S. been left only with strategies that public health experts call “non-pharmaceut­ical interventi­ons” — lockdowns, school closures and mask mandates — the end of the pandemic would not be in sight.

Non-pharmaceut­ical interventi­ons failed to prevent successive waves of infections, hospitaliz­ations and deaths here or elsewhere in the world. They did not protect nursing home residents, but did harm children through school closures, contribute­d to medical and social pathologie­s, damaged the economy in the short run and inspired a borrowing spree that will at the very least impair economic growth over the next 10 years and may have economical­ly catastroph­ic results.

Pharmaceut­ical interventi­ons, however, do help. Thanks largely to the availabili­ty of vaccines developed by innovative companies, hospitaliz­ations and deaths continue to plunge. The immunizati­on effort is the fruit of decades of research by private entities on new vaccine technology. They were able to succeed because they had the capital to spend on research that generated no return through years of failure.

Price controls will choke off tens of billions of dollars of that capital, curtailing research and preventing scores of new drugs from coming to market.

Claiming credit for things you didn’t do is garden-variety politics. What Biden seems not to have grasped is the connection between pharmaceut­ical revenues and medical innovation. We have vaccines because private enterprise­s had sufficient resources to persevere through years of failure on the road to historic success.

Pharmaceut­ical innovation is our most effective weapon against COVID19 and other horrific diseases. The federal government shouldn’t disarm us.

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