The Morning Call (Sunday)

Crackdown on fetal tissue research worries scientists

- By Lauran Nergaard, Malcolm Ritter and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

WASHINGTON — To save babies from brain-damaging birth defects, University of Pittsburgh scientist Carolyn Coyne studies placentas from fetuses that otherwise would be discarded — and she’s worried this kind of research is coming to a close.

The Trump administra­tion is cracking down on fetal tissue research, with new hurdles for government-funded scientists around the country who call the special cells vital for fighting a range of health threats. The administra­tion has shut down one university’s work using fetal tissue to test HIV treatments, and is ending other fetal tissue research at the National Institutes of Health.

“I knew this was something that’s going to trickle down to the rest of us,” said Coyne. She uses the placenta, which people may not think of as fetal tissue but technicall­y is classified as such because the fetus produced it, to study how viruses such as Zika get past that protective barrier early in pregnancy.

“It seems to me what we’re moving toward is a ban,” she added.

Different types of tissue left over from elective abortions have been used in scientific research for decades, and the work has been credited with leading to lifesaving vaccines and other advances. But, under orders from President Donald Trump, the Health and Human Services Department abruptly announced last week the new restrictio­ns on taxpayer-funded research. The ban does not affect privately funded work.

As researcher­s seek to renew their funding or propose new studies, HHS said it will have to pass an extra layer of review, beyond today’s strict scientific scrutiny. Each project will have a federal ethics board appointed to recommend whether NIH should grant the money.

HHS hasn’t offered details but under the law authorizin­g the review process, that board must include not just biomedical experts but a theologian, and the nation’s health secretary can overrule its advice.

“I predict over time we will see a slow and steady eliminatio­n of federal funding for research that uses fetal tissue, regardless of how necessary it is,” said University of Wisconsin law professor Alta Charo, a nationally recognized bioethics expert.

Necessity is the crux of a fierce debate between abortion foes and scientists about whether there are alternativ­es to fetal tissue for research.

Zika offers a glimpse at the difficulty. The virus can sneak from the mother’s bloodstrea­m across the placenta, which protects and nourishes the fetus, and target the fetus’ brain. It’s something researcher­s hope to learn to block.

Studying the placentas of small animals or even monkeys isn’t a substitute because they differ from the human organ, said Emory University researcher Mehul Suthar. For example, the specific type of placental cell where Zika can lurk in humans isn’t thought to be present in mouse placentas.

Anti-abortion groups argue there are alternativ­es to fetal tissue, such as stem cells, growing organ-like clumps of cells in lab dishes, or using tissue taken from newborns as they have heart surgery.

Indeed, NIH is funding a $20 million program to research such alternativ­es and to prove whether they work as well.

“Taxpayer funding ought to go to promote alternativ­es that are already being used in the production of treatments, vaccines and medicines, and to expand approaches that do not depend on the destructio­n of unborn children,” said Mallory Quigley of the Susan B. Anthony List, which works to elect anti-abortion candidates to public office.

But dozens of medical and science organizati­ons have told HHS there is no substitute for fetal tissue in studying certain — not all — health disorders, such as HIV, Zika, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries and a variety of eye diseases.

To Pittsburgh’s Coyne, part of the political debate is a “completely unsubstant­iated belief that not allowing research and science is going to prevent or stop abortions, which is not the case.”

 ?? ALEX BRANDON/AP ?? In an abrupt move, President Trump last week ordered restrictio­ns on taxpayer-funded fetal tissue research.
ALEX BRANDON/AP In an abrupt move, President Trump last week ordered restrictio­ns on taxpayer-funded fetal tissue research.

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