The Morning Call (Sunday)

After standing down with Mexico, US pushes China


and Xi Jinping are due to meet June 28-29 in Osaka, Japan, for the G-20 summit.

“This will be a one-on-one with Gov. Yi to talk alone about the trade issues,” Mnuchin said. But he added, “I would expect the main progress will be at the G-20 meetings of the presidents.”

The Trump administra­tion began slapping tariffs on imports of Chinese goods nearly a year ago, accusing Beijing of using predatory means to lend Chinese companies an edge in advanced technologi­es such as artificial intelligen­ce, robotics and electric vehicles.

Those tactics, the U.S. contends, include hacking into U.S. companies’ computers to steal trade secrets, forcing foreign companies to hand over sensitive technology in exchange for access to the Chinese market and unfairly subsidizin­g Chinese tech firms.

The deal with Mexico helps alleviate uncertaint­y over the deal Washington recently reached on revising the North American Free Trade Agreement. The new U.S.-MexicoCana­da deal has been heading toward a vote in Congress and might have been stymied by new tariffs.

But the U.S. is still negotiatin­g new trade deals with Japan after withdrawin­g from a Pacific Rim arrangemen­t, the Obama-era proposed Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p. America’s huge trade deficit with China — a record $379 billion last year — is one factor driving Trump’s frustratio­ns with Beijing.

The United States is imposing 25% taxes on $250 billion in Chinese goods. Beijing has counterpun­ched by targeting $110 billion worth of American products, focusing on farm goods such as soybeans in a deliberate effort to inflict pain on Trump supporters in the U.S. heartland.

The U.S. side has been preparing to expand retaliator­y tariff hikes of 25% on another $300 billion of Chinese products, and Mnuchin indicated it was ready to take that step if negotiatio­ns with Beijing fail.

But he said Trump had not yet made a decision on that, suggesting room for further delays depending on the outcome of his discussion with Xi later this month.

“As the president has said, if we can get the right agreement, that’s great. If we can’t, we will proceed with tariffs,” he said.

Meanwhile, the US-Mexico deal Trump announced Friday falls short of some of the dramatic overhauls pushed for by his administra­tion.

A joint declaratio­n released by the State Department said the U.S. “will immediatel­y expand” a program that returns asylumseek­ers, while their claims are under review, to Mexico after they have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border. Mexico will “offer jobs, healthcare and education” to those people, according to the agreement.

Mexico has agreed, it said, to “unpreceden­ted steps to increase enforcemen­t to curb irregular migration,” including the deployment of the Mexican National Guard throughout the country, especially on its southern border with Guatemala.

Trump put the number of troops at 6,000, and said in a tweet Saturday, “Mexico will try very hard, and if they do that, this will be a very successful agreement for both the United States and Mexico!”

Yet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Trump’s “threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy,” especially with “our close friend.”

 ?? EUGENE HOSHIKO/AP ?? Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, right, confers with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell during a meeting of G-20 financial leaders on Saturday in Fukuoka, Japan.
EUGENE HOSHIKO/AP Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, right, confers with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell during a meeting of G-20 financial leaders on Saturday in Fukuoka, Japan.

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